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  1. F

    Dad Shaved Husky’s Fur!! How to keep her cool w/o her coat?

    @ambience00 This is slightly more nuanced than a lot of people beleive. Cutting or shaving hair has absolutely no effect on its growth. It will shed out when it was going to anyway and grow back exactly as it did before. However, the outer coat sheds less often and grows slowly, so it will...
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    Opinion on PennHip Results

    @warriorofyahweh The problem with this line of thinking is that we're talking about a trait that may be influenced by multiple variants of multiple genes. Parents with better hips are more likely to have puppies with better hips, but will still produce a range of different hips in their...
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    Newborn Puppy Questions

    @ionut7 Enjoy it while it lasts. They should start to go on their own sometimes around 4 weeks, and then you'll have a lot more cleaning to do!
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    Newborn Puppy Questions

    @ionut7 When you say they haven't been to the bathroom, do you mean that mum hasn't been licking their rear ends/you're pretty sure nothing's happening when she does, or that you haven't seen them go/found pee or poo? If you're expecting them to be peeing and pooing and leaving it for you to...