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    How to reward puppy for going potty outside when it’s 0°F outside?

    @yesnice Wear a pair of gloves and mittens over them. Put the treats in your pocket. 😃
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    Genuine question: groomer report cards

    @suupertrump Jeez. 😅 Some people are taking it too personally!
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    Genuine question: groomer report cards

    @%E2%98%A6marius%E2%98%A6 Lol I love the mean girls reference… and thank you, this makes sense. 🙌🏽 I’ve been in this sub for long enough to know that not every client is like this, but from my pov once we’ve seen the same groomer 2-3 times and you and your dog have a relationship w them /...
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    Genuine question: groomer report cards

    @brandilynn17 This is all great info to know, thank you! Such great points about how much we ask of dogs during grooms - and all while taking them to an unfamiliar place w unfamiliar people.
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    Genuine question: groomer report cards

    Hello, dog groomers of Reddit. 👋🏽 I am just genuinely curious about this… if your salon gives clients “report cards” will you tell them if their dog is difficult during the groom? We’ve been seeing our same groomer for the same 2 years since he was 4 mo old so I think he’s pretty good with...