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    Help needed again- My friend’s GSD mix just attacked her 1 y/o son. She sees nothing wrong with this. Help?

    @anadascal And this is why I don't trust the average dog owner.
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    I’m just feeling so lost. What is next?

    @jamiem Wow! My first dog was a Rottie too! They really are such a sweet breed, when they are in-tune and secure in themselves. But they are very intelligent and stubborn. Originally a guarding breed and carting breed they are high drive workers and need serious direction. If she's learned she...
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    how do i socialize my dog to my new puppy

    @irmanella Your pom is little and is trying to set boundaries with your puppy. You need to teach your puppy how to leave your pom alone. And you need to make your pom feel safer which will help stop the correcting/overcorrecting. Your pom is correcting because you are not. I have a three pound...
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    How are corporate groomers doing 15+ dogs a day?

    @knr80 Yup that's called a strip shop.
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    Most embarrassing moments? (funny)

    @elizabeda777 You do you. Don't worry about what others think 😉 Just keep training! 🐾
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @heavenward7 Exactly. I wouldn't even get out of bed for a doodle if it didn't start at $75 for a "micro" or "mini" or whatever. Over 40 pounds? $150. Over 60 pounds? $200. Base price. Before dematting or any special additions. Designer dogs, designer prices.
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    I’m just feeling so lost. What is next?

    @hiccup Okay so I agree with everything you said but I wouldn't ask an owner to stop doing an activity that both her and her dog enjoy. I would maybe rephrase it as "stop RELYING on obedience training to intercept over threshold behavior and train in that sphere with a different method."...
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    I’m just feeling so lost. What is next?

    @jamiem Um 🤔 I'm not sure 😅 The breed is very "pushy" in and of themselves. I would just worry about her hurting herself or her teeth or getting too excited and ingesting a rock. What I would move towards is getting YOU involved in high drive stuff like that so she can start including you...
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    I’m just feeling so lost. What is next?

    @jamiem So originally rottweilers were carting dogs. You can look up some local dog carting groups and start getting her trained to pull a cart! Additionally, you can get her a backpack and start packing some weight in it when you're out on walks. This will help to tire her out, too. I...
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    I’m just feeling so lost. What is next?

    @jamiem I'm hearing a lot of "play, love and cuddles" and not nearly enough "work!" She needs a job, a good hour a day of no-nonsense drive activity. Running is great, but she definitely sounds like she needs at least an additional hour a day of an engaging activity that stimulates her mind...
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @natalia2019 🤷‍♀️ Doesn't change the fact that it happens all the time for no good reason.
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @natalia2019 😡😡😡I will never understand why so many groomers bathe a matted dog and don't do any rough ins. Honestly, most dogs don't like the blow drying process, why are you making it take longer? Why are you making it harder on you AND THE DOG? Getting my equipment sharpened more often is...
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    Recommendations for an indoor dog toilet? (current one discontinued)

    @mike7377 I use a wood chips litterbox for my 3lb Chihuahua. [](This is the enzyme digester I use to clean all my pet messes.) This is the enzyme digester I use for...
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    Recommendations for an indoor dog toilet? (current one discontinued)

    @mike7377 What size is your dog?
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    Best new puzzle toys! Care to share your reviews?

    @monk58 I love Starmark toys, I just substitute the edible inserts they come with since they're made in China. I had an Aussie that would destroy everything and he never got a chance to destroy the Starmark toys. They're versatile and durable.