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    Gentle leaders

    @kyredneck I have no advice on gentle leaders, however: If your dog slips out of her harness, it’s a dangerous one. Consider looking into a 3 strap one, also called anti escape. For sure switch from a H shape to a Y shape, if you used the former. Also consider clipping your leash to both a...
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    Getting puppy to chill the F out?

    @the_journey Teach him how to be calm. Force naps / quiet time. A crate can help with this
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    Dog Training Post Attack

    @rdmarita Nothing that you described can be helped with internet advice. A real life professional needs to see this dog and help both the humans and the dog. There is not enough information and inside to give tips without having witnessed the dog after such a dangerous and serious incident. A...
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    New dog trainer, about to meet my very first dog client. Where & how should we meet?

    @melissac Just sounds like you need real life experience before you take on solo trainings. Questions like this are stuff dog owners pay trainers for to know, not for them to ask reddit. Work with other dog trainers/intern for them first.