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  1. C

    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @patricia1213 I agree, this is unacceptable. She could board them for 3 days or have someone stay at the house with them. It’s not right to leave a dog in a crate for three days continuously. I hope this owner doesn’t leave her pets in the crates for 12 hours on a regular basis.
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    Fear aggressive pup... considering BE after 3.5 years of trying to make it work

    @zarif My heart goes out to you. Based on what you’ve written, I think BE is a valid in this situation. Your quality of life is clearly suffering, and you need to think about the safety of your child. Also, a dog who is that anxious and fearful despite medication probably doesn’t have the best...
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    Don’t know if euthanasia is the option here

    @traininggrounds I’m so sorry to hear all this. The old-fashioned training methods involving dominance quite likely made his issues worse. That is simply an outdated and ineffective method. There is no need to establish dominance over your dog; that is a myth. Training should be done gently and...
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    Don’t know if euthanasia is the option here

    @traininggrounds There may be some steps you could try prior to euthanasia. Have you taken him to a vet to rule out any medical issues? He is older so perhaps he has pain somewhere that is causing him to react when touched a certain way. Have you consulted a trainer or behaviourist? Are his...
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    7 month old Doberman is beginning to snap at me more and more

    @wonderdove This happened with my dog as well. I used to take things away from him when he was little without difficulty. Now he won’t let me and he becomes aggressive. This also sometimes happens when I want to move him. I can’t just go and grab him. Sometimes he will let me and other times he...