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    Living with a dog that's not mine

    @henryl64 Hes 9 months old! he could manage because it was more times to go outside, he's not a criminal mastermind plotting to get what he wants, he just has needs
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    Living with a dog that's not mine

    @henryl64 There is a hormone based spray that you can buy, you spray it outside where you want dog to toilet, encourage them to sniff it, and it will know to go there. There's no point telling it off for going inside when it isn't let out, its not fair on the dog, and no point, but taking it...
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    R+ Vs. Balanced training

    @rdmonkey I get the argument for using them for some dogs, I was questioning all dogs, my dogs are never that far away from me, they aren’t herding dogs, so there is no reason for them to be far far away from me when we are out. The only time we are ever at a huge distance is if visiting family...
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    Super Reactive in House, getting worse

    @chinyereukoha Play sound tracks of sounds while marking and rewarding - add as many calming activities to his day, and keep a log of the exercise he's having and how it effects his calmness, adolescence is to just a phase as in they will try and push you - adolescence means the hormones that...
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    R+ Vs. Balanced training

    @peacecar Yea not worth it as far as I’m concerned - I know my dogs, and they are not off leash unless their recall is perfect, my teenage dog is only off in certain situations, but for all my past dogs I trained and proofed their recall so it was perfect, regardless of what they were doing...
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    R+ Vs. Balanced training

    @peacecar All dogs can benefit from an ecollar? Where do you figure the benefit is? If a dog has perfect recall off leash, and is responsive to cues, and is tuned in to handler, what is the possible benefit?
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    How should I greet my dog when I get home?

    @adriennelisa I do a few basic tasks when I get home, 10 - 15 mins, works really well once pups are use to it, to regulate excitement
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    Help…scared of dogs/pets in general, plis don’t judge me, I am pretty self critical as it is. (28 y/o F)

    @mmerchant Phobias are not a thing to try suggestions from the general public to fix, you need to find a therapist that specialises in phobias. But will follow that up with my general public suggestion, ha - (along with therapy)you could learn about dogs and there body language, so you are able...
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    Sell me on B.A.T for my bossy, reactive, enthusiastic dog

    @joosten0603 More than that, they learn the skill to assess risk, instead of the fight/flight reaction, they are able to work the steps of socialising, - I was working with a client this morning 3 months ago he couldn’t see a dog at the end of the road with out losing his shit, this morning we...
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    Sell me on B.A.T for my bossy, reactive, enthusiastic dog

    @joosten0603 I love BAT 3, because it works on the dog learning to assess risk of dogs, and social manners, this transfers to other things as well - and it helps owners to learn how to be with their dog on walks in a different way - I’ve spent a lot of time trying to get owners to observe and...
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    German Shepherd rescue showing aggression to a specific family member

    @segaz Yes but very slowly, I made sure to give her space and time to process who I was, things like I’d come into a room and stay away from her for awhile and I’d sing/him/talk, once she knew it was me she’d be on my knee getting love, but I was really careful about not triggering her fear...
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    German Shepherd rescue showing aggression to a specific family member

    @segaz My mum rescued a dog years ago that loved everyone in our house except me, liked me after being in the room with her for quite awhile but at the beginning big each encounter she hated me… we were all perplexed by this, all our other animals loved me … the dog was rescued from someone mum...