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  1. M

    Dog suddenly is protective of me. Is that common or "aggression."

    @stockroomman Dogs do sense when people are pregnant, and can be protective. I think it would be a good idea for you to read up on sleep startle in dogs, since it might be happening when he's sleepy / tired, and also resource guarding. Resource guarding of their person is common in some dogs...
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    [RIP] Ozzy, Australian Shepherd, 14.5 yrs

    @godsgal41 It really sounds like you gave him the best doggy life any pup could ever want. He was such a wonderful boy, so sorry for your loss.
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @littleowlet I've watched videos from "dominance" trainers on YouTube and seen similar stuff. It's genuinely so upsetting, that poor girl.
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @kaccy Dogs do not have a concept of alpha. I say this, deadpan, whenever people bring this shit up. I really hate it. You're doing the right thing by your dog, and you should be proud of yourself for calmly setting up boundaries instead of getting dragged into a ridiculous argument with people...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @darkevilspirit He's an absolute cutie and I'm so glad he's doing so well!
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    oMg SHE’S so uGLy!! [rant]

    @chris_1989 My poodle looks so cute shaved short all over! I've been missing it now that we're keeping him longer during winter. I really don't understand people who think like this, sorry you had to deal with it.
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    Which dog breed is for me?! [BREEDS]

    @childofthealmighty Please consider a standard poodle in a dark colour, since that's often read as more intimidating. I have a brown one, he's even fairly small for the breed, and I feel totally safe going out with him at 3am in a bad part of town - People literally cross the street to avoid us...
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    [RIP] Ozzy, Australian Shepherd, 14.5 yrs

    @trancamhongkgv This is so true. I love reading everyone's updates on their dogs so much, and I think it's amazing that people who have never met them can still have so much affection for our dogs, including during difficult times like these.