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  1. Q

    incident at the dog park

    @aibbycatalan Thank you for your input here 😭😭 You know how everyone is at their stress level's whits end. It's just so upsetting all around. I'm planning to address why my dog would bite, in the meantime (training/behavior/illness, etc). Just idk if he's someone who may try to take things...
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    incident at the dog park

    Again, I'm definitely not trying to come off as some jerk here. It's just that he immediately went to "it's completely your fault and you're going to pay for it" when I tried to take every precaution that I possibly could and presented him with a very positive and helpful attitude.
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    incident at the dog park

    @maggiecutajar Thank you for sharing your reasoning
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    incident at the dog park

    @maggiecutajar Thank you, and you are absolutely not being rude. I asked a question for clarification here with the expectation of receiving any and all perspective and knowledge on the matter. I think you for contributing to that.
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    incident at the dog park

    @maggiecutajar Understood. And I'm definitely not trying to weasel out of anything. I'm just posting here to get some perspective on how all parties are responsible.
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    incident at the dog park

    @maggiecutajar That's not a guarantee, but I definitely see where you're coming from. He mentioned that his dog had been attacked before, that he thought it was because the dog was not fixed, and I really have no speculation other than the way he entered the parking lot and allowed the dog to...
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    incident at the dog park

    @maggiecutajar They posted rules of our park is that you keep your dog leashed until you enter the two layers of entrance way into the dog park. It was late at night and we were isolated. He pulled up and immediately opened his door and allowed his dog to run barking towards the fence of the dog...
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    incident at the dog park

    @aibbycatalan Thank you. I've never considered my dogs to be aggressive. Just loud. And to be respectful of other people not wanting loudness during play, and (*edited for auto correction) *due to my work schedule, we always come late after dark when no one else is there and my dogs can run and...
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    incident at the dog park

    Thank you everyone for your input. As a first time experience I had no idea on the liabilities at play and and thankful for everyone who answered on every side of the equation. As an update I arranged for payment of the primary vet bill today. I don't know what is in store ahead and that makes...
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    incident at the dog park

    I think it's been misunderstood somewhere that I never offered or intended to help toward any vet cost needed if they are needed. I've only asked here for opinions and clarifications on how each party was responsibleand shared the details of what happened in depth.
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    incident at the dog park

    As an update, he is messaging me to find him a vet and then arrange 100% of the payment on his behalf.
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    incident at the dog park

    @longfellow Thank you for sharing your wisdom
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    incident at the dog park

    I posted this as a reply, but I also wanted to put it here as well: I'd just like to add that this is why I'm asking around. I want to hear every aspect and opinion. I care that his dog was hurt. I feel like I took every single precaution that I could on my end other than not being there at...
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    incident at the dog park

    I wanted to re-clarify the situation in case I didn't explain it properly: Correct. My dogs were playing alone with each other in the large fenced in dog park, 9:00 p.m. when the park is usually uninhabited. After 20 minutes or so a car begun to approach. My dogs had begun to bark when we saw...
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    incident at the dog park

    I'm so frustrated about it all, and saddened about his dog. I understand why he feels that way. I'd do anything to protect my dog if he was injured. But I also wouldn't have made the choices he did and I think I would have been more open minded about that vs to jumping to deny any fault...
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    incident at the dog park

    @deedeeonwheels Understand and fair. I would agree. I wish the other owner did as well.
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    incident at the dog park

    @anonymous95 Thanks so much for sharing your perspective
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    incident at the dog park

    @anonymous95 I'm frustrated, but I do feel that paying for half or part of the bill would be fair since my dogs bit his dog. But I'm really not feeling good about the fact that he is unyielding to any fault and I'm pretty sure he's not going to be open to negotiating the bill if he does take the...
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    incident at the dog park

    @hsrl Thank you
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    incident at the dog park

    @hsrl He was not in the dog park at that time, no.