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  1. J

    BE: Thank you

    @andy11111 Im so sorry for your loss, I hope time takes the bad and leaves the good memories for you both and that wherever or whenever we go to rest, your boy rests easy and warm in the memory of your love for him.
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    Fear aggressive pup... considering BE after 3.5 years of trying to make it work

    @zarif This sounds like such a journey and your dedication and drive is beyond any reasonable expectation. BE is absolutely something i would consider and it definitely feels like you have run out other options. Ive used thia analogy a bit on here but my vet describes reactivity like cancer...
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @laurenalexylee Im glad to help :) my boy was worth every moment of spice he gave us, but I cant take the credit for him improving, we were so so lucky that he was treatable and that most of his fear based behaviour was bought on by a less than stellar start and thus fixable... hes still very...
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @laurenalexylee It sounds like youve put in 200% on your girl, I would definitely be looking at BE and getting a full assessment done. Any dog who bites without warning or escalation behaviour prior to the bite is a scary dog. You've done amazing to get as much time for her as you can. My vet...
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    My wife and I are getting a puppy this summer. Come, bring me your wisdom

    @nayte So retrievers are a great first time dog, they are generally known for being easy going and are pretty trainable. You will want to spend some time looking at/speaking to your breeder, you need to ensure that you are getting a reputable line particularly if youd like a running buddy as...