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  1. G

    [FLUFF]Y’all notice that even when your dog sees you 24/7, they still are excited to see you That’s because dogs are the best :D

    @charity1 All I have to do is leave for 30 seconds to take out the trash and he’s the happiest boy when I return.
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    Need advice on how to keep 2 y/o foxhound from using the bathroom in his crate

    @revolutionist90 Unfortunately, yes. Otherwise he rips apart pillows, cushions, chews magazines, etc. destructo-dog for sure when left by himself with no stimulation
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    Need advice on how to keep 2 y/o foxhound from using the bathroom in his crate

    @aleeta49 What would you recommend replacing the clothing with? He has very thin skin and the plastic cage bottom causes his elbows redevelop open sores. He also has a tendency to rip things open (such as a dog bed). We will be looking into dividers today, I didn't even know they existed or it...
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    Need advice on how to keep 2 y/o foxhound from using the bathroom in his crate

    @jolene250 If I had known dividers existed before now, we wouldn't even. Have this problem - thank you!
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    Need advice on how to keep 2 y/o foxhound from using the bathroom in his crate

    Hi folks, I've posted here once before on other matters and you all have been phenomenal, so I'm really hoping you can help me find an answer to this as well! My boyfriend and I are the parents of a lovely 2 year old foxhound mix. He's roughly 65 pounds, and all legs. When we first got him...
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    [Fluff] You're not ready for a dog. And that's O.K

    @kenwsr63 So the dog is a part of a rescue here in my state. The woman who runs it has a farm and all of her adoptable dogs are kept there. I participated in their one week trial foster period before adoption. So thankfully, he's going back to a reputable rescue that takes care of their animals...
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    [Fluff] You're not ready for a dog. And that's O.K

    @nudd That's a great suggestion, but it still doesn't solve the issue that I can't always be home in time. For instance, I should have stayed at the office until 8 on Monday to complete a project due Tuesday, but I left at 5 and didn't get the project done until mid-afternoon the next day. It...
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    [Fluff] You're not ready for a dog. And that's O.K

    @skynet I have thought about a cat because I can leave them alone for longer and still give them time with me in mornings/evenings/weekends. In fact, my mother and few others have suggested a cat as well. However, after jumping through all of these hoops over the last 6 months, I'm a little...
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    [Fluff] You're not ready for a dog. And that's O.K

    @appycatholic Thank you so much! And you're right - no one will ever be 100% ready. I really just had to weigh whether the circumstances at the end of it all would benefit myself and the dog, and I couldn't say yes to that question. I look forward to the day I can give a dog everything that you...
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    [Fluff] You're not ready for a dog. And that's O.K

    Hi everybody. This might be long. I've written to this sub a few times over the past month or so about my adoption journey. It's had it's ups and downs, with so much research and second guessing myself, almost adopting before a foster decided they couldn't part with the pup, then finally taking...