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  1. F

    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @onroadtorecovery It’s a very long story but I’ve known her almost her entire life. She was my grandma’s dog and my grandma passed away in 2021, so she went to a family member and was recently removed and sat in a shelter for a few weeks before they would let me take her. Poor girl has had a...
  2. F

    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @imagebeastmarkbeast The chicken is no salt. She will not eat canned food I’ve tried 4 different kinds and styles. We got some “fresh” style food from pet smart to see if she will eat that.
  3. F

    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @georgiagurl01 They gave her some meds to stop vomiting but she was so dehydrated they could’t even draw blood from her tiny veins :(. They gave her fluids under the skin too. She seems to be doing fine now, just waiting for the bloodwork results from our regular vet to see what’s going on! She...
  4. F

    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @greenmart123 Thank you for the suggestions! We’re actually at the emergency vet right now because she’s been vomiting brown mucus-y stuff, 4 times in an hour :( I plan on cooking some chicken myself like you suggested instead of the rotisserie chicken, but we do get the no salt added kind.
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    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @ernestcop She’s been to the vet. Just waiting for bloodwork etc. results.
  6. F

    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @jlmetcalf Yes we’re still waiting on results though
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    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @jlmetcalf She’s been to the vet already
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    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @jello123 Great idea thanks!
  9. F

    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @sgraves76 Yessss she was at the EV over the weekend and so she’s in a bland diet right now. I learned that she likes ground turkey AND it must be warm for her lol!
  10. F

    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    @jonahua Thanks, I’ll try it! I’m hoping it is human-food like enough that she will eat it 🤞. She can’t survive on cottage cheese lol!
  11. F

    Adopted 17 yr old toy poodle

    She’s only 4 pounds and you can feel every bone. She has only eaten human food her entire life, whatever her people ate. She refuses to touch any kind of dog food (stew, mashed paste, kibble…). She only has two teeth and has anal gland leaking issues as well. I adopted her Saturday and so...