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  1. I

    Small newborn

    I’ve been posting here a bit recently about an accidental dog pregnancy and thankfully with some help it’s all been going well and I’m now dealing with 4 puppies lol They’re only about 5 days old (born Monday afternoon) and either way they’re all going to the vet tomorrow but I just want to put...
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    Newborn Puppy Questions

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I am and I can definitely see them TRYING to latch on but also half the time when they do they’re just biting my dog on the stomach an inch away from the nipples lol but weighing them sounds like a good way to stay on track with that so that’s good I guess I’m just worried...
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    Newborn Puppy Questions

    @fire_fly Oh interesting you’ve rlly saved my peace of mind because I was mostly worried that I haven’t been seeing pee/poo I didn’t realize that the constant licking was taking care of that as well because she’s been super on top of that with them ty so much
  4. I

    Newborn Puppy Questions

    @youngjinkim Yeah I’ve been using a space heater for now that I think is working but either way for the most part they’re staying pressed up against the mother so I’m just sitting in the same room as the whelping area and getting up every few minutes to reposition any that look like they’re...
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    Newborn Puppy Questions

    @walkinthewoods Oh yeah that’s good to know that’s not super an issue for her since there’s so few of them she’s normally got 3 like up against her side and one i between her paws as she licks it lol and ty about the temperature I def just am overthinking because every now and then I see her...
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    Newborn Puppy Questions

    @walkinthewoods Ok I’ve finally got it all set up and something obvious that I’m probably overthinking, it says for now 85 is the number to aim for and I think I’ve accomplished it but it’s safe for the mother to sit in there too right with them all the time? She’s constantly getting water and...
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    Newborn Puppy Questions

    @walkinthewoods Good to know omg I’ve got a heating pad lying around here somewhere I’ll pull out for them I’ve just been blasting the heat all day which isn’t the most efficient long term plan lol And ok yeah that’s good I noticed one had pooped a little bit and then spiraled quickly about why...
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    Birthing Question

    @wakalix Oh duh you’re super right I didn’t even think of that lf that for some reason lol I’ll add it rn!
  9. I

    Newborn Puppy Questions

    I just recently made a post about my dog going into labor and thankfully for the most part it went super well but now that I’ve got 4 puppies to supervise I’m noticing some simple things I’ve overlooked and would love some advice if anyone’s got any 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 First of all by now they’ve been out...
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    Birthing Question

    @oldwoodsman Oh ok is the mess like harmful in any way or just a pain to clean up because outside the whelping area I’ve got set up the only other place I can imagine her trying it in is a big dog bed on the floor of my living room would that be safe since there’s no distance to fall?
  11. I

    Birthing Question

    @oldwoodsman And were any of those places like a risk to the puppies in any way? Which feels like a dumb question lol how dangerous can a couch be but I’m terrified I’ll miss something obvious and it will lead to an issue you like let them deliver in some of those spots?
  12. I

    Birthing Question

    @oldwoodsman Ok perfect I’ve got a little area all set up for her that she’s been spending time in so that should be good, but in your experience do dogs like KNOW to go to it when it’s time to actually start? She’s been sleeping there for the past couple weeks but if when the time comes if she...
  13. I

    Birthing Question

    @oldwoodsman Thanks for this! Looking at stuff now I think the labor might be starting were at about 60 days rn give or take a few since I’m not sure the specific day they would have conceived so I’m just trying to make her comfortable since this afternoon she started panting and shivering and...
  14. I

    Birthing Question

    @klpotte3 Ty for this!
  15. I

    Birthing Question

    @drsharles I’ve got one all set up for her that she’s been sleeping in lately so that’s one thing handled at least lol is it common for stage one to last that long? She’s been like this for about 7 or 8 hours by now and I was hoping she’d get things moving before I went to sleep but I guess I’ll...
  16. I

    Birthing Question

    @drsharles Like within a couple days at the max! She had to have been impregnated like December 12 at the very latest i lowkey think they might be coming today she’s been doing this non stop panting and shivering thing that google says is a sign of labor starting so I’m frantically googling...
  17. I

    Birthing Question

    @94tamara Yeah I’m annoyed with myself because I guess I timed it all wrong and she got pregnant at the very end of her heat and not the beginning like I thought the vet did an ultrasound but then said the skeletons hadn’t formed yet so we couldn’t get a headcount and when I asked if it was...
  18. I

    Birthing Question

    Honestly I have no clue if this is the right kind of sub to post something like this is so if not I apologize but I’m looking for some advice. Due to an unfortunate series of events (that has since been handled lol) my dog was impregnated and from what I can gather the birth should happen like...