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    Our rescue dog has become horrifyingly aggressive towards first dog

    @jamie1 If it makes you feel any better I board my reactive dog at his shelter and he’s overjoyed to see his shelter dads again. It’s only six weeks. You did the best you could, you really did.
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    Our rescue dog has become horrifyingly aggressive towards first dog

    @jamie1 To answer your questions: this is not a good fit. Call Ricky’s shelter. It has escalated beyond an adjustment period for a reactive dog. If you don’t return Ricky, you will have to keep the dogs separated and rotate family time. You might could consult a behaviorist, but honestly this...
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    Reactive/food aggressive chihuahua now growling and air snapping at toddler

    @gell Yes I read the post and how you’re in touch with a no kill shelter, I do feel like he’s just been set up to fail. Even more so with your response. Can’t keep him chained because the metal gets hot over the summer? How kind. /s This dog needs help and it may be too late, and you can blame...
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    Reactive/food aggressive chihuahua now growling and air snapping at toddler

    @gell Doobie is being abused, full stop. Your stepfather kicking him? On what planet is that okay? As to rehoming him, I’m not sure. I guess check with local no kill rescues. But Doobie is the real loser here. He was fine until he got neglected, and abused for him reacting to the neglect...
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @dragonite Got it. I would crate train at night, and have him sleep in his crate for now. Seems like a housebreaking thing. Crate training does wonders for housebreaking. During the day, that’s a reasonable amount for a dog to ask to go outside.
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @dragonite I didn’t realize this was a nighttime thing, how old is your dog? That would warrant a vet visit for sure! Adult dogs, regardless of size, should sleep through the night. Puppies, not so much.
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    Dog bit 2 people. What do I do?

    @hosee Oh man. I’m struggling with the words to phrase this gently. OP, you’re doing everything wrong. You are using a highly aversive tool and have an aversive trainer. Get him off the e collar now. Stop with it. Ask your vet for a referral to a behaviorist. Put in the training work with a...
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @dragonite Every 3-4 hours is fairly normal I feel, especially if you’re home during that time. My non reactive dog asks for one potty break after breakfast, one in early afternoon, and a bunch in the evenings after my BF gets home from work (I primarily WFH). And she goes potty every time she...
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    Tips for helping my male reactive dog feel more comfortable around my father

    @memberofthebodyofchrist C has an abuse history with men specifically, so it’s understandable that C is reactive towards your father. However this needs to be managed. Those nose taps have the potential to turn into bites due to C’s fear based reactivity and aggression. My reactive dog is the...
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    My boyfriend’s dog bit me

    @basefan Not a whole lot you can do without BF being on board, just because I think he’ll undo any efforts you make. That being said, muzzle training, or keeping him crated or in a separate room when you’re around. The keeping the dog separated is not ideal for the dog, but it’s about your...
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    My boyfriend’s dog bit me

    @basefan Your boyfriend is incorrect as to who needs the training. It’s him (well and Oscar but a lot of reactive dog training is more owner based and focuses on counter conditioning, identifying triggers, and management). Aka your boyfriend needs to be the one to know how to work with and...