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    BuT iT's OnLy FiVe MiNuTeS

    @mari79 A doctors office would laugh at you and then sla. You with a $30 late fee. Groomers need to be better about this.
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    BuT iT's OnLy FiVe MiNuTeS

    @mari79 I'm fine with 5 minutes. Anything after 10 you get a free pass IF I'm not busy. But if you keep doing it, then no. I'm not taking you 15 min late because all that teaches people is that it's okay to do that because their dog will still get groomed.
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    Owner question - solution for very dry skin

    @pekka Science diet is trash. Look at rhe ingredients . Vets push it because they get a commison percentage.
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    @livelifeliving33 Thankfully I don't think this lady even has a cell phone or knows how to leave a review. Ahhaa omg ya this lady was like "I just moved here!!!!" As in that's good excuse for us to take her late a.f?? I live in a small town. You can drive through the town in 15 minutes. So...
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    @surrenderingtogod Seriously!!!! I use to as well. Not anymore. The other shop in town is closed 3 days a week including Saturdays because they have no groomers. The other shop closes at 5pm everyday and is understaffed as well. I know my worth. If you let customers do this shit, they do...
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    New client for just a bath and nails. Appointment is at 1:00pm. She calls and asks if she can come in later since something happened at home. I told her I could take her at 5pm. She said she'll just keep the 1pm. (Red flag) Proceeds to wall in at 1:25pm. No call saying she'll be late...
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    🐾 Reasons NOT to be a Dog Groomer 🐾

    @auwebber23 Or show up at 8:50 while your walking up to the store, jacket on, coffee in hand, and they go "HI IM HERE FOR GROOMING" ok let me get in the fucking store first.