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  1. C


    @arbiter Reworded/shortened because I thought this was in a different sub: Just like treats reward behavior, corrections discourage behavior. Used together and timed accurately, you can discourage the undesired behavior (jumping up or chasing the cat) then encourage the desired alternative...
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    Loose leash walking with reactivity?

    @1ht1da You have to practice and proof loose leash walking in low distraction areas. If you have access to a car, I recommend industrial/office parks or other large parking lots during off-hours. Banks and Chikfila are good on weekends, too. If you don’t have access to a car, your walk schedule...
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    Please stop sending your puppies to doggie daycare w/ the expectation that they’re going to receive training while there

    @asmit421 There are for sure (we use one!) but it’s definitely not the norm and it’s usually clearly indicated. The people OP is dealing with are like parents who assume a snack is healthy simply because it has some sort of fruit or veggie in it, but never actually turn the box over to read the...
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    R+ Vs. Balanced training

    @sarahtoo If it’s the sub I’m thinking it is, I’ve had comments deleted for similar sentiments. Even for suggesting a prong collar was a safer option than the harnesses someone was getting dragged into busy streets using. I’ve stopped trying to argue. I’m sad for the dogs that are given up on...
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    Used the “he’s not friendly!” line for the first time

    My dog isn’t un-friendly. He’s dog reactive but love love loves to play once introduced. So I’ve avoided using that line to stop other owners from approaching for 3 reasons: - I’m 100% focused on managing him - It’s not true but there’s no succinct way to accurately describe his behavior, so...
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    What actually happened when you tried balanced training?

    @lilith_eve Around 2.5 years total of working on our pit bull’s reactivity, which we now believe is based in overarousal Started with an R+ trainer, he actually got worse in part because rewards/praise added to the overstimulation (also because we live in a dense urban neighborhood, we don’t...
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    What breed of dog is best for a dog trainer?

    @ryesenova Tom Davis’ Dutch shepherd is bomb proof and perfect for working with reactive clients. Just works and plays no matter what’s going on around her, switching between neutral to active based on what the client dog needs. He didn’t let our dog interact with her (he ended up wanting to...