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    “You can take your dog to movies and bars. But does he want to go?” On WaPo

    @williamsnodo I feel this way all the time!!!! Was at a bar where someone had brought their golden after a softball match. He was panting, pacing, jumping up on them, it was awful to see.
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    “You can take your dog to movies and bars. But does he want to go?” On WaPo

    @haydenii Those affection-loving pitties have my heart
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    Success- Yellow leash tags

    @jessemini14 I was just debating getting these! We have so many off leash dogs rush us, I would think it would help, but I’ve been hesitant. I’m also struggling because sometimes my girl really does want to say hi and play, but I’m afraid people will be scared of us. Might just give it a try...
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    “You can take your dog to movies and bars. But does he want to go?” On WaPo

    @finlandia For some reason social media keeps feeding me this company that puts dogs on treadmills and this one is ADAMANT that the dog was confident and happy in the end...its body language begged to differ.
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    “You can take your dog to movies and bars. But does he want to go?” On WaPo

    @ashrei19 omg what an incredibly accurate and tragic parallel
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    “You can take your dog to movies and bars. But does he want to go?” On WaPo

    @risen145 The dog version of 'pretty girl privilege' is 'little dog privilege' where uninformed owners don't see their aggression as aggression.
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    Why can’t people leave me and my reactive puppy alone?

    @rich4u2 Our reactive pup often pulls like CRAZY to get through our busy lobby up to her 'safe zone' which is our floor of the building. It's not ideal, but we're really working on it. She's a strong gal so when she pulls she starts breathing really loudly and heavily, and we get so many...
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    “You can take your dog to movies and bars. But does he want to go?” On WaPo

    @hiccup This makes me so sad. I swear that every dog owner in our neighborhood is always on a phone call while walking their dog, which at best means they're not attentive to waht their dog wants, but also that they're not alert to the body language of others (us with our reactive dog...
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    It’s me, the perfectly behaved dog at the bar patio

    @mauricio512 thank you for sharing!! I always appreciate hearing each dog's strengths and... unique areas for growth :) Give your dad's pup a belly rub for me.
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    It’s me, the perfectly behaved dog at the bar patio

    @mauricio512 I really needed this today, thank you for sharing! I often remind my husband that every dog, reactive or not, has their thing. My pup is absolutely horrible on a leash and makes a scene in our lobby everyday pulling to get back inside until she’s wheezing. We get awful looks and...
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    Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

    @heavensknight LOVE wiggly butts
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    Best new puzzle toys! Care to share your reviews?

    @monk58 I’m hoping to swap puzzles with another dog parent friend in the new year! We have two that our girl has mastered, but don’t have much room to keep buying new ones! These look great
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    Newly reactive 2 y.o.

    @nelxoxox Thank you for sharing! I know the window covering can feel really tough, it's just definitely worth considering if it's a big trigger. I hated the idea at first but I try to see it as temporary while we work with her. Our trainer helped us think of her reactivity as a cup, each thing...
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    Newly reactive 2 y.o.

    @nelxoxox Hi! Okay it sounds like a lot is going on here. I'm not a vet or trainer, and would *highly* recommend Calm Canine Academy for professional advice (they work remotely and are amazing), but here are a few things we've learned along the way that could be worth considering: Daycare...