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    Even the most trained dogs have bad days..

    @sallama Couldn’t agree more!
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    Even the most trained dogs have bad days..

    @sallama And of course, he's a Lab :) Dogs aren't robots (and even robots break down now and then). They are creatures with their own thoughts, feelings, and impulses. It's always a bit head-scratching to me if an owner expects the dog to always be well-behaved, when we humans can't even do...
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    Starting training with my 8 week old Australian Shepherd, and a few other questions (x-post r/dogtraining)

    @heisthetruth At this very young age, I would recommend that you only work on one obedience cue per session (like Sit or Down or Leave It), and keep each session to only a minute or two, multiple times a day. An exception is recall training, which can be part of any session since it is so...
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    Even the most trained dogs have bad days..

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Sometimes dogs just gotta do dog. The handler always just hopes it's when no one else is watching!
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    “It’s cruel to walk your dog in [this -20°C windchill]!”

    @kampioen Haha, I live in the land of rain! If I didn't walk my dog in rain, he wouldn't get many walks between October and May! I also don't feel sorry for using the hose on his legs when we get home, if needed. If the mud puddle water isn't too cold to lay down in, then the hose water...
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    Puppy Raising during COVID-19 Information Hub

    @keakim I'd also add the breweries and restaurants are generally not good choices for puppy socialization. There is way too much going on and too many people moving around. Better to do your puppy socialization in ways that you can easily control, like meeting up with one or two people at a time...
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    Puppy Daycare Suspension

    @honestsisterinchrist My Lab's favorite playmates at the dog park are Huskies, so yours and mine would probably get along well :) The daycare I used when my dog was young had a break for all dogs from noon-2pm. Everyone was crated for a nap. This was because it's just really hard for most dogs...
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    (x-post r/dogtraining) Need Guidelines for 6-Week Old Pup

    @hobbit312 Haha that's what I get for going back and forth between two subs. This was cross-posted at dogtraining too.
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    (x-post r/dogtraining) Need Guidelines for 6-Week Old Pup

    @mbennett024 You might want to head over to /r/puppy101 and read through the wiki for general advice. You can also read through posts from other puppy owners. Also, I think the wiki in this sub has some book and video channel recommendations too.
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    Why won’t he sleep?!?!

    @banneh Many dogs start objecting to sleeping in the crate after about 6 months of age. It's natural for a dog to get up and move to different spots to sleep during the night - cooler, warmer, softer, harder. You don't say what breed you have, but if it's a medium to large breed, their crates...
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    An interesting article on exercise and a puppy’s joints I found! I figured I’d share!

    @liza84 I have great respect for Dr. Millis. But this article doesn't really provide much useful info beyond the general guidelines at the end. No one is saying that normal puppy run-around, wrestling, free play, exploratory walks, etc are harmful to a puppy. So that seems like a silly point...
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    Puppy Raising during COVID-19 Information Hub

    @boundbygrace Haha, as the parent of two 30-yr-olds, they'd probably feel the same as you!
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    my puppy is a h o r n y boy

    @tryingguy64 It's hard not to be skeptical when someone says dog parks are fine where they live because every dog in an entire city is "extremely well-behaved". But like I said, it's your choice on where you take your puppy.
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    my puppy is a h o r n y boy

    @tryingguy64 Having a "semi-aggressive dog on a tight leash" at the dog park is not my idea of "responsible". But your dog, your choice.
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    my puppy is a h o r n y boy

    @tryingguy64 You should stop him from mounting other dogs at the park. He's getting "puppy grace" from other dogs now, but that will end very soon. While most dogs will just give a warning, some will go further. Personally, I wouldn't have a 4-month old puppy at the dog park at all, but that's...
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    Puppy bites harder and more furious than before

    @capestorm I wouldn't leap to the conclusion that she has a diet allergy right now. Only your vet can help you decide why she had the lesions and pimples. They could have been from something as simple as exposure of the skin on her belly to an irritant outside. Or from whatever you washed her...
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    Puppy Raising during COVID-19 Information Hub

    @seek2bboldwitness Also remember that for most of us outside of the worst-hit areas, social distancing doesn't mean "never go near another person". You can still easily meet up with a friend and their dog for a romp around a safe area, or a nice exploratory walk. Assuming you are outside...
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    8-week old puppy. When to start enforcing naps?

    @jehu22 Cotons are very oriented toward their owners - a true companion breed. I would try crating him after 45 minutes of being awake, including some good play activity and "running around" in a natural puppy way, so that he is tired. Then sit right there next to the crate and provide whatever...
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    Crazy zoomies, doggie lawns, and going outside

    @om7 I personally have never trained a dog to a balcony potty spot so haven't experienced how the transition goes when you decide to remove the potty spot. Some people here have had zero issues, while others seem to have them for quite awhile afterwards. It probably depends somewhat on the puppy...
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    Puppy Raising during COVID-19 Information Hub

    @seek2bboldwitness Hey, here's a silver lining. Everyone who gets mad about all the people coming up to pet their puppies (most of us, at one time or another), you have the perfect reason to tell them to stay away!