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  1. D

    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Thank you so much for posting a detailed breakdown like that! I'm not sure whether I will try a crate (I already on one that is 'XL" in size for my boxer) or a room or something in between. Either way, this breakdown appears very adaptable... cheers! I still can't get...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @dj617 That may be a good level of space! He certainly likes cocooning himself in doona's and blankets. He goes full on, such as walking around until the blanket twists up underneath him and he can't keep walking around because each twist decreases the amount of space he has... then rolls or...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @glorytogod01 I'm taking him in to my vet friends clinic tomorrow for a standard progress check (i.e. for the vet to just look him over, see how much weight he's put on, etc.) and I might discuss that with him then. :-)
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @glorytogod01 I assume there are other anti-anxiety meds for dogs other than the stuff like valium? For example, I know their are plenty of medications for humans that have anxiety that instead of taking them as soon as they get the anxiety, they just take the tablet at night and it helps the...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @glorytogod01 This guy is able to have the whole run of the house while I'm out, but am I right in thinking that some dogs (or dogs in general) have less anxiety if they are in a smaller space? But it's just a matter of getting the space not too small and not too big i.e. a crate may be too...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @alvinc He certainly does love food time, and has some treats he especially likes, so if needed I can use those! Thank you for your compliments and advice, it all is helping me help this guy, and knowing so many people here are rooting for him gives me the motivation go as much above and beyond...
  7. D

    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @candycane088 No, thank you so much for the ideas... all are welcome! He's not too big on toys, he seems to prefer playing with other animals or people. I don't think he's ever had a toy before :-/ He will play tug of war with pieces of rope though... both with others dogs and me! I've been...
  8. D

    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @candycane088 He can't stand being in confined spaces... I don't know if maybe he has been abused before? He also doesn't like being tied up. He is actually fine waiting in the car when I go into a service station to pay for fuel etc., but maybe that's because he spent so much time in the car on...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @faithandlove8 Yeah,he definetely has seperation anxiety disorder... well, either that or the fact he's now in a strange environment and instead of being in a small house with 10 people he's in a medium house with 2 people, he might just never have ever been somewhere without people before? Even...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @rotsenibad That's such a sweet thing to say, and thank you for the compliment. I feel I'm in a great position to be able to give this guy a new life, and he seems like a 'good dog' despite his past, such as he is house trained, is completely non-aggressive (both to people and cats), he likes...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I know breaking dogs are worse than TV's, and think I got what you mean. I was just elaborating that they lack personal responsibility and just don't look after things in general... like who would want people like that to have a dog? No one I'd hope... and Doggo's life...
  12. D

    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Sadly, those people torture their objects as well... take no care of them, i.e. throw things about when angry that are either breakable (i.e. mobile phones or laptops) or throw heavy things about (i.e. cricket balls) without worrying if they hit the TV or w/e else in the...
  13. D

    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @jellofishxo Some cultures see animals as objects, just like a source of entertainment like a gameboy or an x-box and you do whatever you play whatever games you want with them, as long as you are entertained. What is even worse, some of these cultures don't even respect such possessions and...
  14. D

    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @endofrope They had an amateur meth lab and illegal firearms. I took photo's and sent them to both the NT Police, WA police, and the AFP. I know (from getting a very unpleasant phone call) that police did show up in a helicopter a few days after my report. I am not worried about legal trouble...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @nokhue Well he's one that I had up before, but took down while the legal action was going on as I wasn't sure what level of retaliation I might face. However, I know that they know who I am, where I live, and have got my photo off facebook so I don't think it matters any more. This is us on the...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @transnomer haha that's too cute! Although they are such different looking dogs, the fact they both do that with their paws I find really endearing... a subconscious reaction perhaps?! I've had bad experiences with some rescue groups, and thus got my first dog, "Chessie", (whom is a...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @transnomer She's adorable! Looks really fun. I love the first photo! Doggo (this guy's name, at least temporarily) does the exact same thing with his paws when he rolls on his back! Your dog looks very happy and a good girl! And good on you for adopting her from the pound :3
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @transnomer I've just taken a couple more pics, thought you might enjoy them! Here he is, smiling for the camera! This isn't a great photo, but shows how Doggo and Zorro have bonded enough to be comfortable sleeping together. I don't know if Doggo had ever lived with a cat, or seen a...
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    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @transnomer Updated the correct link! My copy and pasting skills and what they used to be >_
  20. D

    [Update] Alcoholic Dog’s Recovery Is Going Well!

    @seven2014 I think I'm lucky he came into mine. He's so sweet, and keeps my feet warm (it's winter in the southern hemisphere at the moment) lol!