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  1. N

    Is this schedule suitable for my 5 month old?

    @mary77 This is what we are gonna start working on. He doesn't have much independence and will either turn to destruction or cry and stare at me from the other side of the gate for what seems like eternity. He is really really bad with the biting right now and he is relentless, so I can't let...
  2. N

    Is this schedule suitable for my 5 month old?

    @love111 That gives me hope, thank you! It was once way worse than this, but the fact it’s persisting was making me second guess myself. I will definitely try feeding him in there and since i have him doing wind down time outside of the crate, i’ll try having him chill in there before and see if...
  3. N

    Is this schedule suitable for my 5 month old?

    I’d really like some advice/ a second opinion on if this is a good schedule for my pup. Sometimes I feel like he isn’t getting enough time outside of the crate. Whenever it’s crate time there’s at least 10 minutes of crying, and he’s starting to show defiance towards going in there. It makes me...
  4. N

    Is this a healthy schedule for my 5 month old GSD puppy

    I’d really like some advice/ a second opinion on if this is a good schedule for my german shepherd puppy. Sometimes I feel like he isn’t getting enough time outside of the crate because he NEVER truly tires out. Whenever it’s crate time there’s at least 10 minutes of crying. It makes me feel...