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  1. L

    I hate when…

    @jimmykiff I have found that if you speak with confidence, people will pretty much do whatever you ask. If someone is in my way, not moving, or not sure where to move, I simply say 'can you please move toward the fire hydrant, my dog needs space' and they generally do! Usually they are so...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @kaccy I tend to respond to these with 'I did not invite you to give me your opinion'. My life is too short to try to educate all these people. I might try if they had dogs, because it might make their dog's life a bit easier, but otherwise.
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    My should I get my 9 y/o ACD’s fur cut?

    @hiram208 My new puppy was like that. She's a total diva. I just fed her a lot in and around water, and eventually she realized in feels nice. Not going to be the case for everyone, which is why the ice trick is good to have. Also, try a cooling vest, but remember to take it off once it gets...
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    My should I get my 9 y/o ACD’s fur cut?

    @hiram208 Honestly, this just gives you a great excuse to bail on all your responsibilities and have a beach day with your dog! Yes. I must go to the beach. For the dogs... Yes... 😝😋
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    My should I get my 9 y/o ACD’s fur cut?

    @hiram208 Absolutely do not cut your dog's fur. A double coat has important guard hairs that wick away moisture, and prevent skin infection, sunburns and help deter insect bites. Your dog's coat also helps them maintain their body temperature. It keeps heat out, as well as in. Cutting this ruins...
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    No my dog doesn’t want to join your unfenced dog park clique

    @christianaspie8701 Lol, my nice, well socialized, friendly dog doesn't want to join your unfenced dog park clique. They're one squirrel away from a getting hit by a car or lost.