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  1. H

    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    @acceptedfromabove He does absolutely amazing outside his crate when he gets proper sleep, but I have noticed when he doesn't get enough sleep or if he's sleeping in short increments, he'll start getting extra bitey and stop listening to commands. He's usually good with not biting, going for...
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    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    @truthseeker60 He already knows relaxation protocol and he's a very mellow puppy. His problem with trying to rest outside the pen is he gets up every 10-15 minutes, moves, stays awake, chews a toy for a few minutes, goes to sleep for 15, wakes up, moves, stays awake, chews a toy, sleep for 15...
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    Rehomed my puppy, but have the chance to get her back. Is it a good idea?

    @areelius As someone who was also a home body and rarely exercised, I got a puppy to help assist with that. And so far he’s completely changed my life and health. HOWEVER, I didn’t do it alone. While having the puppy, I was also working with a therapist. If you want to give this puppy a second...
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    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I did explain why I took it away in the comments. He was beginning to outgrow it and we don't have room for expansion. He's currently gated in my living room/entry area since I have two cats. Additionally, he does amazing when he gets enough sleep. He trains well, plays...
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    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I absolutely adore my vet and have been with him for years. He's always done what's right for the animals in my home. A puppy is a baby, they need rest for growth
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    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    @imagebeastmarkbeast My vet wants my puppy to sleep at least 16 hours until he's around 8 months. I am micromanaging, but these guidelines are there for a reason. I'm just following what my vet wants for my puppy as well
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    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    @philip248 That's the issue I have right now. He'll try to sleep on the couch or on the floor, but any noise or movement wakes him up. It's almost like he has one eye open the entire time and he's not getting proper sleep. He also moves constantly and each time decides to chew a toy for a few...
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    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    @recovering It’s not generally forever, it’s mostly during their puppy months/years. Puppies need from 16-20 hours of guaranteed sleep to grow healthy. Mine won’t sleep that long unless I put him down for a nap in his crate. If he had his way he’d be up all day. Not only is that bad for his...
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    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    I have a 5mo puppy who sleeps in his crate for about 16-18 hours a day and I’m starting to feel so guilty for how much time he’s in there. He’s on the 1 hour play and 2 hour sleep schedule except he gets 2 hours play in the morning/evening. I’d love for him to start napping outside his crate...