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  1. J

    My dog bit me last night due to reacting to a box cutter I was using... How can I help desensitize him?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Thanks for the advice, I will definitely try and split the components out. It does seem like I went a step too far with adding the sound into the mix.
  2. J

    My dog bit me last night due to reacting to a box cutter I was using... How can I help desensitize him?

    @theadmiral Thanks for the advice, will definitely try and slow down the desensitising process as he gets too worked up otherwise. I hadn't t hought the behaviour was this bad until getting bitten, so I have just reached out to a dog trainer who I thought was great during our puppy pre-school...
  3. J

    My dog bit me last night due to reacting to a box cutter I was using... How can I help desensitize him?

    @jackieortiz1002 Thank you, I had a puppy school trainer that was very good and used positive reinforcement training - I might reach out to them as it's very hard to do any chores/housework without my puppy going ballistic.
  4. J

    My dog bit me last night due to reacting to a box cutter I was using... How can I help desensitize him?

    He's 8 months old and mostly a very good boy, but he's developed a reactivity to anything we use with our hands e.g. wiping messes with paper towels, using a watering can, using a box cutter etc. He would start barking aggressively and try to bite at it. we normally try and keep things away...