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  1. G

    Just ranting about my Petco trainer

    @jbob1724 APDT includes lots of terrible trainers in their directory too - they don’t verify that trainers are properly qualified or adhere to their code of ethics prior to signing them up as members.
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    level 4(?) bite, no warning. Need advice please

    @flameinthesnow Please note that we ask people who want to mention being a professional in their comments undergo verification before doing so. Otherwise we ask phrases like that to be omitted.
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    Rottweiler Barking Training

    @earthquakes Here, this link was meant to be part of my first comment
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    Rottweiler Barking Training

    @earthquakes Uh huh. So that’s just you trying to get him excited. DAID is different. Edit: ok I’m seeing that my original comment where I actually linked a video for you to watch seems to have stripped the video out, so no wonder you’re confused. Fucking reddit. BRB I’ll grab that link for...
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    Rottweiler Barking Training

    @earthquakes So when you say “tried that”, do you mean you tried just barking at him, or do you mean you actually did DAID training where you get him to copy your physical actions for multiple other behaviours first to lead him into it conceptually?
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    Rottweiler Barking Training

    @earthquakes Try "do as I do" training.
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    So do y’all have treats on you basically 24/7?

    @procakes223 I always have something available to me that I can use to reinforce behaviour, yes. Whether that's directly on my body, or in the nearby environment that is immediately accessible. If I don't know an animal very well yet, my only option is probably going to be known desirable...
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    My dog is fully paralyzed

    @majufeca This might be a better question for r/AskVet.
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    Keeping a Rescue Dog Comfortable in a New Space

    @followpeace Please see our wiki resources on fearful dogs. G may well need to go back to the vet and review the anxiety medication as the current ones seem to be insufficient for the dog's needs.
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    How to keep my senior dog from boredom without too many treats?

    @britmark Look up ACE Free Work.
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    Aggression and Epilepsy

    @treyarch1 There is indeed research showing that CBD has some benefit for epileptic seizures (I believe the studies so far have been on rodents and humans, not sure about dogs). So, of all the ridiculous claims that people make about CBD oil, this one is the most likely to actually have some...
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    How to reinforce a continuous behavior? (e.g. ignore nearby dogs and walk with me)

    @lenno There's a couple of possibilities here. The first is that, if you're dealing with a high-distraction environment, it may not be possible for your dog to offer a duration behaviour like this in the first place. You will need to train it in a calm, low distraction environment to a much...
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    Choosing a Good Dog Shampoo

    @klortch The second part of your comment makes zero sense in light of the first half. Propylene and polyethylene glycols are humectants (they are very safe, non-irritant moisturisers, not drying), “sulfates” is such a broad category of chemicals as to be largely meaningless to warn against, and...
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    Doglang: An Artificial Language for Dog Commands

    @jen35 Beauty! I’m so pleased that it was more than a passing interest. If you haven’t navigated to it already, there are cognition research projects in progress on the buttons, and future papers from the team should give more concrete data. Make sure you come back to give us an update when...
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    Doglang: An Artificial Language for Dog Commands

    @jen35 Just want to point out one thing here: I think you misunderstand how the AAC buttons are rightly taught/used - they are not conditioned at all in the same way as operant behaviours that we commonly know are. IMO Hunger’s book “How Stella Learned to Talk” would be a useful read in this...
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    Doglang: An Artificial Language for Dog Commands

    @jen35 Some thoughts: few people will want to memorise long lists of arbitrary words for cues, when coopting existing words in daily language will come more naturally to most, especially if they will be interacting with their dogs in a more casual verbal sense on a similar note, your idea...
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    @betelo995 Unfortunately the vast majority of boarding schools for dogs use harsh, outdated methods that are more likely to increase the risk of fear and aggression, and the depression you are seeing is a totally expected side-effect of this kind of training. See our wiki guide on how to tell if...
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    Has anyone else’s dog been fine after eating a grape?

    @adamadam All poisons are dose dependent. The risk to your dog is relative to your dog's body weight, your dog's individual physiology, the size of the grape and the concentration of the problem chemical in the grape.
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    How do I clip a rowdy German Shepherd’s claws?!

    @juco The r/dogtraining wiki has an article on grooming training.
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    Foster dog is extremely anxious and timid, how do I help her calm down?

    @rarelozo I'm approving this post since you've done a decent job of describing an example of how to appear non-threatening to a dog to give it space to approach you if it chooses to. However please keep in mind that Cesar Milan is generally not a good resource for training methods.