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  1. F

    [RIP] Sally, Doberman, 8-ish years old

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I’m so sorry to hear about Bronson. Losing a pet is always terribly difficult, but to lose one so young is unimaginable. Thank you for your kind words about Sally.
  2. F

    [RIP] Sally, Doberman, 8-ish years old

    @ihnoa We will both be there for her. We spoke to our vet since they usually have a strict 1 person per pet rule, but they said they would make an exception for us. She has given us so much love and always been there for us so I can't imagine not being there for her in her final moments. I...
  3. F

    [RIP] Sally, Doberman, 8-ish years old

    This is a bit pre-emptive, but we just got the just the worst news from the vet, our wonderful dog has cancer on her spleen and liver. She is going downhill rapidly (losing weight, not eating, etc.) and is clearly in pain. We have gotten her pain meds and scheduled to have her euthanized on...