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  1. S

    Injured Shoulder, Advice?

    @cicion I tore mine in two places almost 3 years ago. I had a couple of weeks with no work. It still hurts, but it's manageable and I have learned new ways to manipulate dogs that keeps my arm/shoulder down as much as possible. On bad days I can't raise my arm more then chest level. Thank...
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    How much would you charge for this beautiful boy?

    @ilykmtns A golden retriever messed up my shoulder permanently less then 3 years in. I love the goofballs as long as I don't have to groom them.
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    [Photo Friday] Header Contest: B A D D O G G O

    @onochie Is it still considered bad when it was her favorite toy?
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    I sort of miss corporate?

    @anniemarie The problem with taking it slow (which makes perfect sense) is that you can fall into the "I have an this time to do everything perfectly" which leads to 10-15 minutes of nitpicking on a face or ear or leg that no one else can see any issues with. When you force your self to...
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    What upgrade should I make first?

    @torn12 I have Zolitta which I bought in a kit with the guard combs but I'm definitely upgrading to Buttercut when I can.
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    Petsmart or Petco or stay with PE?

    @ayu415 At Petsmart you will have to pay 5k if you break the contract and leave before two years after academy. Someone else already covered most of what I would say, but I would add that the benefits are pretty bad, medical might be OK, but dental and vision is not worth it.
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    Advice needed: confronting groomer about damp dog

    @jessey123 When I was a bather I was proud of my desheds and large bath dogs, and my list of requests enforced it. But I have also seen so many bathers have no clue what they are doing! Barely scrubbing, don't utilize the dryer, don't know to check the undercoat to make sure it's actually bone...
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    Unsure if I still want to pursue Dog Grooming (Help)

    @sjcargill It's not you, it's Petsmart. I was at the exact point you are, and it mentally destroyed me having to keep going into work and I was counting days for the contract to be up. Once it was, I left. And guess what? I became a better, more efficient groomer. I started to have fun again...