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    Buyer’s Remorse…

    @laylamendiola I think you need to have a powow with your family and get everyone on the same page. Set the proper command words to be used, the puppys schedule (feeding, sleeping, potty, training, playing, walks..etc), which family member is responsible for whatever the puppy needs, and figure...
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    1 year 7 month old update

    @mich83 Good luck! As I mentioned before, find the techniques that work for you and your pup! Dont give up! Our pups bring us alot of joy and laughter, we owe it to them to give them our best!
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    1 year 7 month old update

    @markerparker Lol.. ikr! I can honestly say though that this is the one aspect of her reactivity where it seems that a switch was really turned off. Her barking stopped so fast and she was and still is really calm in the car! There are times when she is riding up front, and we are at a stop...
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    Vent on rehoming

    @johndoe590 I think he needs to stop taking in dogs and get a goldfish.
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    1 year 7 month old update

    @evan4713 Alot of young puppies are fearful of other dogs. It will just take time for them to go to play mode. Just make sure that the interactions with other dogs are not bad interactions (fights!). It sounds to me youre doing a great job though! Keep it up!
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    1 year 7 month old update

    @evan4713 11 weeks is still really young. He will be scared of alot of things, even his own We put Pepper in puppy playtime and she was scared of all the other puppies also. She just kept going up to the trainer overseeing the playtime session and not want to play with other dogs...
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    1 year 7 month old update

    @jacksbratt Thanksgiving 2019 we took our pup to Az and we used that same method of tossing treats to my pup for her to warm up to my brother.
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    1 year 7 month old update

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I forgot to mention that our technique in helping her cope with strangers was to have strangers engage Pepper with fun activities. We would ask people if they would kindly throw a few balls of fetch and they would oblige. BOOM! New friend made. Also, asked others to call...
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    1 year 7 month old update

    So Pepper is a 1 year and 7 months old. We got her at 10 weeks and she has always been reactive. We tried everything to manage her reactivity. Her threshold was pretty bad, would just lose it if she saw someone or another dog at 50 feet. She would constantly bark at EVERY car, even parked cars...
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    Spending standards are different for our dogs. Who thinks the same?

    @brookem We just spent 50 dollars on lean ground beef and chicken breasts to make treats for our dog... and hot dogs for us for dinner.
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    " Your dog is reactive because you dont let him say hi or play with other dogs"

    @grateful266 Great point regarding reactive dogs being more responsive to stimuli/training. My reactive dog is by far the most well behaved and obedient dog at home than any dog I've ever had.
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    " Your dog is reactive because you dont let him say hi or play with other dogs"

    @that1starfish Or the ones that say we need to train our dogs.... pfff.... I bet we (the ones who care) train our dogs more in a week than they do in a year!