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  1. 1

    Dog Training Post Attack

    @airamnire Unlike you perhaps, most dogs do have a work ethic. They feel pride in earning their successes. It also teaches them impulse control and cooperation. Currently one of the biggest unnecessary failures in dog ownership is to ignore this part of a dog's makeup.
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    Own 2 dogs at the same time, for the first time in my life. Struggling to navigate the situation

    @liturgynerd Make it very clear that YOU decide who is to be pet, and whose turn it is. For example, I will announce, "I am petting N now!" and turn my back on O. Worked for me when I'd get an occasional guardy foster. One of my breeds is GSD, so you're gonna have that sometimes. Humans are def...
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    help with bite inhibition!!

    @justanothername You actually hold the collar firmly while holding the muzzle, so they can't thrash around or wiggle away. Gentle, but FIRM. Look into the "Sit on the Dog" exercise. The crate is easier to settle bc she knows the option to be wild is taken away, externally. She hasn't built up...
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    help with bite inhibition!!

    @justanothername My brain came back to this, so I'm going to share one more thing. Since you (probably) have a bully mix, it's worth pointing out that they are usually worse about impulse control as pups, and also that it's MORE important to get that under control than with a less powerful and...
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    help with bite inhibition!!

    @justanothername It doesn't sound like you are doing anything that shows her that the biting is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. (At 4mos old, the puppy privilege is gone and another dog would not be nice at all about unacceptable harassment. She is wired to be corrected for socially...
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    [Discussion] Documentaries on Dogs

    @vanessajune I didn't see anyone mention the Science of Dogs (Nat'l Geo). Pretty good. :-)
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    Weird food resource guarding — luring the other dog in

    @louis2017 It could have become a game...or else P might just not want to eat ALL her food right now, and wants to save it for later but can't because C will steal it. I would put food down for 15mins with them separated, then pick up bowls before putting them back together. Give P another...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @gerty Breed definitely comes into play wrt why they bite, and how concerning it will be.
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    Does my dog have P.T.S.D? [Help]

    @nortan45 Dogs pretty much live in the moment; they don't hang onto stuff like humans do. I wouldn't waste my attention on what somebody might-or-might-not have done, two owners ago. Molly is a reactive dog (& good job noticing the specific triggers...standing/leaning over them, moving fast...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @caelesto I appreciate the update! If she is actually Canaan, that makes even more sense. They are highly sensitive (and pretty barky) dogs, sounds like she is actually doing really well for an adolescent with her backstory! Good job & thanks for helping her.
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    [Link] Map of all U.S. Dog-Friendly National Parks

    @jayc_sup Very nice! I seem to remember Smoky Mts being very dog-UNfriendly though. :-( Most of the parks are getting like that. That, and the crowds, and the ever-increasing restrictions, are starting to put a damper on the whole formal parks thing. :-/
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @caelesto It's super common to have a totally different dog under your care than in the previous home or foster. I can't tell you how many dogs I fostered who didn't have the issues they were surrendered for, or those issues quickly resolved. Leadership & structure solve SO many problems before...
  13. 1

    Dog Training Post Attack

    @rdmarita The amount of hands on experience, background knowledge, and environmental control required to keep this dog safely, is not something you and your mom (or the vast majority of people!) are going to be able to provide. I am quick to speak up for misunderstood dogs and slow to recommend...