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  1. M

    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @simple_man That is so interesting! Thank you so so much for explaining! I think this kind of thing is so interesting, and, well I just really really appreciate you explaining! That is so crazy and neat! Thank you!!! You are amazing.
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    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @simple_man That's crazy and neat. Thank you so much for answering! If I can ask one more question, is it just one of those things veterinary science has learned from idk, looking for a obstructions because rads show maybe there is an obstruction, or is it a therapeutic for doggos who's...
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    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @simple_man That is so interesting. So for some reason just opening up is helpful in some cases? Sorry, don't feel obligated to answer, I just think this stuff is so cool, but is there any way to know which cases is might be helpful? Is there any consensus on why this could be helpful? That is...
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    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @simple_man Thank you vet! For us laypeople, would it be possible to explain what a negative ex-lap is for interested parties? Thank you again for being willing to help with your expertise, I think I speak for everyone when I say it is much appreciated, and it's really kind of you to be on here...
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    Dog pees in house when we’re at home

    @mariab97 This. If you can't figure out another way, or want something for the mean-time, doggy diapers are used often.
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    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @kennethb I previously worked at a vet, where people complained a lot about silly things, so I was all set to explain to that just because it ends up that something wasn't needed, that doesn't always mean the vet could have known at the time.... But yeah this is messed up IMO. Although to be...
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    My neighbors dog, one of them (there are 2) is super aggressive, very large and attacks the fence boards every time they know we are outside

    @greatdanemom I would double check with Animal Control. This really shouldn't end with euthanasia but I don't know the laws where you are. What it SHOULD end with is the dog being seized. Our boy is a seized dog, that was forcibly taken from the owners, that's all the info we have. He is a...
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    My anxious dog has become aggressive

    @keepwatch Good news is I am convinced a local trainer will be able to help mountain loads. I agree with what another commenter said, if he isn't neutered that is important to do. So also you are going to want to do what you did: keep a negative situation from happening by mitigating any...
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    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @kennethb Good for you for sticking up for him. I'm very glad the vet said you will not be paying for anything, and thus acknowledged the big mistake. I hope he/she apologized too, though I understand with liability sometimes it can be really dangerous for them to do this. Having worked at a...
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    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @lisa445 And don't let this prevent you from taking him in in the future! Obviously it's time to find a new vet, but you will find one that gets to know him that you can trust. You really did the right thing, I am so sorry such a terrible thing happened. I hope you both feel better soon
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    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @dpwell Very interesting, thank you very much for the information about this! I really appreciating you taking the time, as I know you must be very busy. I appreciate you sharing this!
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    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @kennethb My understanding, is often when a dog has bloat/torsion that is severe, the vet goes in and untwists the stomach and then staples it in place to prevent this happening again. Am I correct in thinking this is the stomach staples you were describing, that the vet did 1.5 years ago? If...