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  1. C

    4 days of Diarrhea in Doggo

    @timsim373 Thanks for asking. Her poop has graduated from squirts to soft and formed, so I think she’s getting better. Will phone vet when they open and see if I should give her a couple more days. She still asks for walkies and treats and sctitches, so everything seems pretty good.
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    4 days of Diarrhea in Doggo

    Thank you! That’s a lot of really good information. She has been drinking a little bit more than normal, so I think she’s taking care of herself hydration wise. And today she had something that resembled a poop albeit soft, so hopefully she’s on the mend. Interesting about the probiotic I will...
  3. C

    4 days of Diarrhea in Doggo

    @jennaskinslc Ok..that’s another vote for chicken. Thanks. Trying that tmro.
  4. C

    4 days of Diarrhea in Doggo

    @christianguy19 Hmm. I heard boiled hamburger and rice. I do have pumpkin and chicken. I’ll try that next.
  5. C

    4 days of Diarrhea in Doggo

    Vet booked for Friday. 11 year old mutt has had diarrhea at normal/twice daily intervals for 4 days now. She seems fine otherwise. Eating (changed to rice/hamburger) well, no bloating or discomfort and seems to be herself. I just recovered from Covid and thought maybe that’s it. Did an...