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  1. L

    Am I crazy for bringing a 3-4 yo GSD into our family?

    @ccao I’ve had 2 German shepherds, both rescues with fairly unknown histories, but one was definitely severe neglect based on his health and the other had trauma from a car accident (the one I have now). Both were gentle and sweet. Obviously keep supervising for now because if your small dog is...
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    My 2 year old Iraqi Shepard’s stool. I’m worried

    @scientist1 That’s awesome! What a cool story to have with your boy!
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    My 2 year old Iraqi Shepard’s stool. I’m worried

    @scientist1 I have never heard of an Iraqi shepherd so I googled it, and got photos of shepherds (human) who live in Iraq. So I googled iraqi shepherd dog and got pictures of shepherds in Iraq and their dogs. So then I googled Iraqi shepherd dog breed and came up with Kurdish mastiff. Is an...
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    My dog is over weight, I’m amused

    @desiney Smart pup! He knew this was bound to happen and prepared in advance 😂
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    Is it bad etiquette to hang out at a dog park without a dog?

    @mb_c You should consider volunteering at a shelter or rescue. They’re always in need of help and it would give you your dog fix.