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  1. E

    Dogs grapefruit sized growth

    @nirajrana Thank you. I’m hoping the specialist will remove it or drain it or whatever can be done. This vet drained it but they didn’t want to touch it again :(
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    Dogs grapefruit sized growth

    @4606 Yes. That’s the biggest issue. I would rather him be at home, comfortable when the time comes than lose him on the operating table. We had an inhome euthanasia for my sisters 16 year old dog a few years ago at home. If it comes to that I’d prefer that. He would too. He dislikes the vets...
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    Dogs grapefruit sized growth

    @solagratiaprosalute They said the fluid is just build up fluid around whatever the mass is. Years ago we were told they were just fatty deposits from apoquel, a medicine he was on for chronic skin inflammation/irritation/itching. We had a few growths removed years ago. This bump is not like his...
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    Dogs grapefruit sized growth

    @solagratiaprosalute Yes. We got a referral. But it needs some kind of attention. I’m afraid when it ruptures he’s going to miserable. The poor thing is already miserable in the cone of shame :(
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    Dogs grapefruit sized growth

    My 15 year old dog, who still thinks he’s a 2 year old pup, has grown a massive lump on his right upper leg. It came about rather quickly 9 months ago and was the size of a golfball. We went to the vets office and they said it was best to leave it alone. A few months later he caught it on...