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  1. F

    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @shpchvr Not sure what your potty routine is with your dog, but I can only assume she got up needing to potty. I think you should practice developing a good break command along with the place command. Australian Sheppard is a working breed and working breeds need jobs or else they can be very...
  2. F

    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @eront I agree. When I was training without ecollar and prong, I think I made my dog worse. Perhaps I didn't understand what I was doing, but I was certainly trying to stay away from aversives. Frankly, while trying to be +R and aversive free, I think I had messed up my dog. My bond with my ACD...
  3. F

    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @eront My trainer was CCPDT. She was phenomenal and so helpful never had issues. I personally think every dog learns different. Some learn great without the use of corrections, and some learn great with added structure from corrections. A lot of working dogs do wonders with corrections and I...
  4. F

    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @eront I did see a certified trainer. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying +R doesn't work, in fact I use it a ton when teaching new commands. I just can't rely on it alone.
  5. F

    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @teksoft Agreed. I used to be positive reinforcement only with my dog but when I didn't see progress, I did my research and found a trainer who was so successful. I use balanced training but I can't stress enough that anyone who considers it, must do research because when done incorrectly, you...
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    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @shpchvr Love to hear it. I used to get so frustrated with my girl but after doing some learning myself, we have both come far. I hope you share your progress as it comes :D
  7. F

    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @naturex Couldn't have said it better. I think I destroyed my relationship with my dog once but today, after learning more about balanced training my dog has been so excited with me. I have been bitten by my dog because our bond wasn't good. It's been over a year since she bit me and she so...