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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    @scot73mmx Interesting. So Lisbon sounds a lot like America in regards to dogs. Thank you so much for your input!
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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    @akjackjack Do you know of or see a lot of dogs come out of the shelter with reactivity issues? I'm curious how a reactive dog like mine would be handled. She has poor dog manners and over excitement/frustration issues.
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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    @scot73mmx So just like US shelters then. Do a lot of shelter dogs get adopted? Do you think those dogs get socialized to the level of the "off leash" dogs that are being talked about?
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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    @swingline15 Agreed. As the adopter of a reactive dog I am most curious about what kind of dogs end up in shelters and how prevalent it is for people to adopt shelter dogs.
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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    @alfred1963 I'd love to learn more about European dog training and ownership in general, one of the reasons being what you stated above. It seems a lot of dogs are kept off leash and have great socialized behavior in comparison to American dogs. Training styles? A life that involves more...
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    New dog trainer interview - these are giant red flags, correct?

    @shogolist4jesus The only theory I can come up with is that "dominant" trainers or at the very least trainers that use aversive methods have themselves and cater to people who have control issues. How egotistical is it to believe you're some kind of beastmaster that animals fear due to your...
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    New dog trainer interview - these are giant red flags, correct?

    @shogolist4jesus Wow, I feel like this person is the poster child for what to avoid in a trainer. Edit: I mistakenly called the lady a trainer, she is not.