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    Muh F@cking Lawsuit

    @wherelovegoes The other option is to recognize an escalating pattern of behavior and do something about it. my grandmother had a dog for years that progressively became more reactive to the point that it would just attack anyone who wasn't her that came into the apartment. we have the dog put...
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @telur1 I mean, it clearly works for him. We are the vocal minority, but there are plenty of other channels to watch like Kikopup, etc.
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @danzou Right, some people need a bit lower energy, some people thrive on it.
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @balletshoes As someone who works in radio, Zak George is very HOT AC format, constant music and energy. People will say they can't stand his voice, but that's pretty often people coming up with a reason they don't like it, because it's harder to describe that the general vibe of the videos...
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    successfully had 8 (!!) people over to our apartment

    @kasimira It's weird. Having one or two people over is a lot of work for the dog. Having like 10 over? No problem at all.
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @simon10 Eh, pretty normal. Most of them are 1 minute long. That's a pretty normal sponsor buy. They are easy to skip if you care.
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    Solo visit to Petsmart made me feel so much better

    @texasharper My dog is extremely uppity and reactive when I bring him to the vet only when they try and bring him away from me initially. He's very happy going in period he's very happy when he's away from me being tested but the actual handoff he freaks out about and has to be muzzled for..
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @servadac Totally can see that. Most of his viewers are probably young adults and kids.
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @orl1574 High energy, constant music, clickbait titles, etc. I think his content is often very good, but it's also a bit draining.
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @sandra142 Yeah, this dog seems to be a classic example of the 'good dog, bad reactive habits' Nothing jumps out as aggressive behavior, just zero impulse control, still puppy play habits, etc. In a way it's been a good check in for me, because it helps me remember how far my guy has come on a...
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @minodora Editing also helps those other dogs along, a 15 minute video might be anywhere from 1-4 hours of working with a dog. That said, it's easy to forget that a lot of dogs aren't a struggle at all. Reactivity is common, but by no means the norm for people who actively train.
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @ibbj Yeah, I don't really bring mine there anymore even though he really likes it, because he has trouble with rough play and herding at the park. He is just as happy going to the local soccer field and playing disc with me on a 100 foot lead, and no risk of getting into it with the dogs owned...
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @ibbj Correct, and then also she got overwhelmed and decided to hang out under the park bench as well. He made some great points about not forcing the dog to come out, and not letting the interaction build when he just picked her up when she was snapping.
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @ibbj The series with his new BC he released recently had some stress in it as well, particularly the 'first time at the dog park' episode, where his dog was not a fan of bigger dogs.
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    New dog trainer interview - these are giant red flags, correct?

    @shogolist4jesus People don't know any better because they saw aunt and uncle training dog by hitting it with a news paper. Tradition is hard to break.
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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    I know a lot of people (including myself) can really find the guy annoying/draining, but there actually is some real meat and potatoes to this series. This is a link to the first episode. Very dog reactive, and just typical nervousness and over vigilance. I actually have really dug this...