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  1. L

    advice for my first day with my adopted reactive dog?

    @awretchlikeme This is so sweet, he is so lucky that you found him. I think you are going to do all the right things and you will figure this little guy out! One thing I will say is to just take it super super slow for the first several weeks. Don’t put him into any spaces he doesnt want to be...
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    Has positive reinforcement for leash reactivity actually worked for anyone?

    @lunabeam I hear you, it’s hard! My dog also will still either react or get very nervous when we are in the neighborhood and there is a dog across the street. I think part of the reason is because in the neighborhood is where he has had the majority of his reactions; dogs form very strong...
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    Has positive reinforcement for leash reactivity actually worked for anyone?

    @lunabeam Forgot to add my main point: if you’re constantly putting your dog in a stressful situation that they have proven to you countless times that they cannot handle, things are not going to get better. If you have Instagram I would highly recommend looking at all the posts of @dogminded...
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    Has positive reinforcement for leash reactivity actually worked for anyone?

    @lunabeam It sounds like you’re not giving him enough distance away from the other dog
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    People have zero survival instinct and it’s hurting my dog

    @hiding110268 this post is not at all in the context of single trails or sidewalks, though. perhaps you could think of a better solution than bringing your poor old dog into such a stressful situation (such as simply waiting until the other person can get out of the way?)
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    People have zero survival instinct and it’s hurting my dog

    @benjammin13 Do you really thing it is both smart and normal to actively ignore all other possible walking routes and instead walk directly toward someone and their dog that are clearly not prepared for a meet and greet?
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    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @heathjeb what adult type gummies do you mean?
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    Enough is enough

    @jackih I hear you. After attempting to take my dog out and then just crying in the car the whole way home, I’m so sick of seeing random trainers and dog owner influencers on my feed. I feel like I want to delete Instagram, but at the same time the trainers that I actually follow give me hope...
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    Transitioning to BAT 2.0 for a very frustrated greeter?

    @bootsandjeans I understand them turning it into a pattern game that it’s not suppose to be.. scatters really helped us a lot with this if you want to try that too! My dog used to frantically look between me and the dog but scatters allow him to do something that feels good to him. I think it’s...
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    Transitioning to BAT 2.0 for a very frustrated greeter?

    @bootsandjeans I love the BAT methods! I don’t do it exactly like the book because I don’t know people with calm dogs to use, but also because I’ve started to just use his long line to let him exist and be a dog. We use a 30ft leash so if his pace is right it’s like he’s off leash :) If he’s...
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    Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

    @jacob86 Seeing him in the window every day when I get home always makes me smile :) and how he creeps up onto my bed every morning around 5am and then is so needy snuggly in the mornings The way his pupils dilate when he makes his puppy dog eyes is literally like a cartoon. He’s so cute