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  1. J


    @goldie81 I am not against it at all! I will take a look around money isn’t an issue and if I didn’t have to bathe two dogs twice a week I would be in heaven lol 😆
  2. J


    @flightlessbird Our vet and dermatologist recommended we bath him twice a week with medicated wash due to severe allergies, We also trim his nail ourself and brush his teeth twice a day :), The grass and mud and rain make his allergies worse. Him and our French bully make our wallet empty haha 😆...
  3. J


    @silvia74 Do you live in the north or south? I moved from the north to the south and feel like he sheds more here, maybe because of the humidity not sure
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    @angelaballentine I should have stated that he has severe allergies so we saw a dermatologist who directed us to bathe him twice a week with special shampoo…
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    @lee102 Yeah we did food elimination diet for both our dogs Our ACD is allergic to wheat, eggs, chicken, diary, salmon, peas Our French Bully is allergic to Wheat, eggs, chicken, lamb, pork, salmon, barley And both have seasonal allergies
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    @lee102 Our vet and dermatologist said he needs a bath 2x a week he has severe allergies, and actually the grass and mud make his allergies worse :( 😩 so that’s not an option for us unfortunately he gets medicated baths due to his allergies
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    How often do y’all take your pup in for grooming? Does it make a difference on where you live? Duke gets groomed every 6 weeks and we do baths at home in between that includes de-shedding shampoo and nail trim. He just got groomed a week ago and is still shedding so dang much I have a really...