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    @gideondavid40 We were doing fine for months but the neighbors recently started letting his dogs free roam without telling any of the other neighbors because he saw it on tv. We were gonna wait until she was a year old because she hadn’t hit her first heat yet and let her fully develop but the...
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    @leitmotif Thank you so much we really appreciate it right now! ❤️I offered that too but they said that shouldn’t result in penetration. I guess I didn’t know the judge was an expert on dogs 🙄
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    @sarahavian I’m very lucky, I just wish other people had the same option. I always feel bad. But it is a good 45 minute drive away so I only get to take her once a week. But being so far out especially living in the country next to hunters and back heard breeders. I deal with irresponsible...
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    I should also brag that they have a separate long walk area where leashed reactive dogs can go that’s a few miles away from the free roam dog park, it’s quiet and secluded (patrolled as well) so reactive dogs can also get exercise while doing it safely they are just required to be leashed and...
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    @sarahavian The ethical breeders and basic dog training programs helped fund it as well as pay security to patrol there! Any funny business or irresponsible behavior from dog or parent has been dealt with immediately and they aren’t allowed back until they have a certificate from a vet and...
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    @sarahavian Well our local dog park is actually amazing, a local trainer takes their dog there and will actually help train dogs for hours while they are there I’ve stayed there for up to 4 hours with them. I love our dog park and my dog does too. It even has an obstacle course, disposable...
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    @drsharles Thank you, she’s pretty scared as of right now. She doesn’t like being touched on her lower back or legs, her tail is an absolute no no. She is scared of the cats and other dogs. She won’t go outside. She hasn’t eaten since it happened. She went from a dog that loved to play, full of...
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    @drsharles Absolutely and we checked for all of that. She tested negative for vaginitis or uti. I even got her blood tested and I did get a progesterone test because I used that to prove she was not in heat the day of the accident. I took her immediately after we ran the dog off. So all the...
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    @xtianjax The judge and the mediator are friends. So I’m trying to get a couple younger judges I found to come instead. And my puppy’s vet is 100% on our dude and she will help with whatever necessary. My dog has an A+ support system so I’m hoping with what I’ve learned from the Reddit and...
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    @xtianjax That’s why my wonderful amazing vet is helping me out! She really is wonderful and has been providing the best care for our baby
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    @bailey2017 Thank you so much. I do too. I’ll go to whatever lengths I need to. The police gave them a written and verbal warning that if any of their dogs end up on my property again I’ll have no choice but to shoot it. The police are tired of being called out and the owners words when I told...
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    @bailey2017 I would but it wouldn’t change much. I’m in a men dominated area, redneck south mindset, Bible Belt, and a very small town. As well as small towns being around my ear for the next 3 to 4 hour area. No major cities for 3 to 4 hours. And from news reports and being on jury duty a few...
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    @bailey2017 I have but the judge seems pretty set in his words “that my dog had to be asking for it somehow. A male doesn’t attack for no reason” the system here is pretty awful.
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    @lumiere Thank you, I’m gonna try but access to different judges is difficult in my area but it’s still an offer I’d like to try. I have couple judges in mind. Won’t know either of us so it’ll be semi fair but still thinks the same as the current judge. But I’ll have better odds at least. I hope...
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    @fish14 I live in a very small dumb town. In the country. In the Bible Belt. So they do a lot of things the harder dumber way here. And irresponsible breeders and owners are a large portion of people here. Unfortunately the person whose dog attacked mine is one of his back yard breeder dogs. Me...
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    @maybeitsme Kinda, but the judge (we talked to try not to take it to full trial) said that my dog HAS to be in heat for his dog to want to mate. And is wanting to hold me accountable and his side is using that to try to make it my fault for the long term affects of my puppy. Judge said he will...
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    @fish14 That’s what I said but they want to bring in lawyers and fight it saying I’m responsible since I didn’t have my dog fixed. And yes I am responsible a little because my dog was not fixed but I’m not fixing my dog early risking growing complications due to her larger breed. It’s healthier...
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    My puppy who isn’t even 8 months or in cycle was outside on my large property. A neighbors dog was on the property and forced my dog who’s not in heat or even old enough to try and breed and severely hurt her. I’ve been trying to do research but it all leads to my dog being in heat. When she’s...