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  1. S

    Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

    My dog is a 3 1/2 year old Labradoodle. We adopted him off a friend who could no longer have him. He's gentle, listens to sits/stay, doesn't bother my cat at all and IMO a really good lad. We took him on his first walk (local park, no one there 5pm>) and he went fine! The next day we took him...
  2. S

    Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

    @naturex Planning to soon. However I believe that other users response about him being a rescue and just getting used to trusting us sounds more plausible. Whenever he did the sitting thing he would do it just before the grass then look into the distance of the backyard where we have a more open...
  3. S

    Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

    @adriandwor Yep he’s on a leash and yep I tried that and I’ll keep doing it - right now he just doesn’t budge at all. I’ll walk forward, he’ll stop moving or sit then I’ll ignore him and look forward and do a few small tugs and he doesn’t budge still, I’ll do that for 10 mins and still nothing...
  4. S

    Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

    My dog is a 3 1/2-year-old Labradoodle. We adopted him off a friend who could no longer have him. He's gentle, listens to sits/stay, doesn't bother my cat at all, and IMO a really good lad. We took him on his first walk (local park, no one there 5pm>) and he went fine! The next day we took...
  5. S

    Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

    @eknd Oh my. Just watched it and that’s exactly him. I couldn’t find any good videos about this or examples that matched my case. Thank you so much. Will be trying to every day and session hes on the leash. Thank you.
  6. S

    Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

    My dog is a 3 1/2 year old Labradoodle. We adopted him off a friend who could no longer have him. He's gentle, listens to sits/stay, doesn't bother my cat at all and IMO a really good lad. We took him on his first walk (local park, no one there 5pm>) and he went fine! The next day we took...