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  1. N

    Help gaining weight

    3 hours later they gained even more
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    Help gaining weight

    NEWS!! Update; I don’t know if it’s normal but it made me happy. One of them went from losing ~17g throughout the first 3 days and then maintaining/losing small bits to GAINING 11g in the span of 6 hours! The other one went from maintaining weight to GAINING 12g in the span of 6 hours...
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    Help gaining weight

    @sqs1 The first couple of days she didn’t want to eat because they pulled a tooth that hadn’t wanted to fall out while she was under, but she seems to be eating just fine. We mix plain ground beef into her kibble to encourage her to eat more, since it’s softer. Once she gets started on that she...
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    Help gaining weight
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    Help gaining weight
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    Help gaining weight

    @sqs1 Reiterating what I said before, we’ll try in about an hour or two to hold her down. Hoping for the best 🤞🏻 she seemed in a much better mood today than the last few days since her C-section. The puppies hadn’t been gaining weight, but I made the nipple holes slightly bigger where it...
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    Help gaining weight

    @cosimnot Sorry, I’ve made a lot of posts recently I get confused on what information I have given and where. We did not breed her intentionally. I left my dad in charge of the dogs for a single day and he left them in the same room when he left for work, I’m sure you can assume what...
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    Help gaining weight

    @cosimnot They recommended bottle feeding from the get-go because of how small, lean, and young she is. Another vet told me that was wrong, but I’m not sure. Two different opinions confusing me. I was hoping to just get the first two days but she freaked out anytime one of them got near and ran...
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    Help gaining weight

    @maybeitsme No, she doesn’t want anything to do with them. I think it’s a combination of not producing milk and the fact that she had a c-section. I don’t know if she realizes they’re hers.
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    Dog size difference question

    Here are updated pics of the babies at 4 weeks old. They’re doing wonderfully according to the vet, gaining the weight they should be, one of them has shown interest in beginning to wean. Momma dog did reject them but the vet also didn’t give her an oxytocin shot as some people have told me...
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    Help gaining weight

    @cosimnot Do you think trying to get the milk to produce will get her to want to be near them? I wouldn’t want to get her milk producing and then her continue to avoid them.
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    Dog size difference question
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    Help gaining weight

    Additional information that may be needed; We feed them every 1-3 hours, depending on when they whine or if after 3 hours they don’t whine then we feed them anyways. They usually drink between 2 and 5mL in one sitting. The first two days between the two of them they drank an average of 20mL...
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    Dog size difference question
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    Help gaining weight

    @cosimnot Genuinely, thank you so much for all of this information!! The vet only told me about milk replacements, they didn’t mention calories or additional recipes. This is brand new to me. I have a couple of questions...
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    Dog size difference question

    @sqs1 Our regular vet is a 15 minute drive away, but there’s an animal hospital 2 minutes away open 8-5 on weekdays, and another 7 minutes away open 7-6pm everyday except Sunday. There’s also one 24 minutes away that’s open everyday 7-7 everyday including Sunday. There’s an emergency animal...
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    Dog size difference question

    @bignuki They’re both maltipoos.
  18. N

    Help gaining weight

    Hello. We have 2 puppies who’s mom isn’t developing milk so they must be bottle fed. We have puppy milk replacer and they’re 3 days old now. One is losing weight and one is only maintaining it. The vet said to try to get them to feed more, which we’d already been doing without any success on...
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    Dog size difference question

    @davecb Of course I will update! Thank you for responding I really appreciate it 🙏🏻
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    Dog size difference question The X-ray today. C-section scheduled on the 16th.