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  1. S

    What’s it really like being a dog groomer? The good and the bad

    @daleviewrd No you make either 15 an hour or 50% commission. Not both, just whatever is higher. I make 60% commission and I'm just surviving. It depends on the cost of living where you are located. Yeah some spots are 100$ grooms but that's like LA and higher col areas. Most small dogs average...
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    What’s it really like being a dog groomer? The good and the bad

    @barnabasp You make 60k a year? The average is about 30-40k I'm just trying to help OP realize that they won't have the same income. A 20k a year less salary is life-changing.
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    What’s it really like being a dog groomer? The good and the bad

    @barnabasp Again, cost of living... I'm in a poor rural Appalachian town. I'm not going to make as much as you hun. But good for you. Thank you for your valuable insight."I MaKe MoRe tHaN yOu." Hun. I didn't even say how much I made. What my bills were or my living situation. You have no...
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    What’s it really like being a dog groomer? The good and the bad

    @daleviewrd You're making 60k a year and you think that you'll be able to do that grooming? You won't. Not for a long time. We don't get paid like that at all. You also have to be very physically fit or else you will live in daily pain. Don't do it. Get a hobby instead.
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    Recommendations for mats from the professionals!

    @ront76 Brush your dog daily, not weekly. Pay attention to the problem areas and use a greyhound comb to verify nothing is catching. If you wish to continue with "weekly" brushing just get the dog cut short. It will not do enough to save the coat.
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    Groomer trainee, not sure if I’m being treated unfairly

    @yoshichicka No, you're not being treated fairly at all. They are using you.
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    AITA Grooming Edition?

    @daniel2015 Very rare, but it can happen. Human to dog transfer is more likely.
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    AITA Grooming Edition?

    @brileemoot Nah you're fine. Also, fun fact! Did you know that pink eye can transfer from people to dogs?
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    Staying in shape as a dog groomer?

    @ffm1967 This may be controversial but I always think grooming is a workout. I like to go on moderate hikes. I live in the mountains so it's good for getting my heart pumping. It's nice to do on a day off. Like you, I'm often too sore or tired to do much during the week.
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    1099 Groomer?

    @avafish It's illegal. If you actually put away 20% for your paycheck for taxes you're only making 30% of the groom. Not worth it at all. Plus you'll need insurance. You'll be making pennies.