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  1. W

    Cold weather tips?

    @dtrent087 It’s already -15 Celsius where I am! My friend’s golden loves it! Obvi not for too long. Even my whippet cross is doing okay with a sweater and short walks in -5 thus far.
  2. W

    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @carson4 Make sure they’re comfortable with the leash and get vet checked then!
  3. W

    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @carson4 Drive to the nearest off leash area. If you’re in an on leash area the leash stays on period. Get a long line (10-15 feet) maybe that will help? Seems like your pup is uncomfortable with the leash on- make sure you do some training to create a positive relationship with the leash. And...