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  1. R

    Say it with me: “Don’t approach my dog.”

    @believingingod It really is so nice sometimes, granted depending on the owner. Other day my dog and I passed by an owner with two viszlas and we both did a magnet hand and switched dogs to the other side while passing a very tight path past eachother. It was so refreshing to see.
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    We don't know what to do next with our reactive dog and in need of advice/support

    @matthewck I’m all for R+ my dog was trained that way and I steer 100% to it but since it seems like this dog is on the verge of their life potentially being over I think its worth a shot for OP to try a different form of training.
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    Reactive dogs aren’t trying to give you a hard time they’re having a hard time

    @eve_marie They were shocking the dog w an ecollar for just fixating/looking at us. Not giving the dog an alternate behavior to preform and the dog literally jumped up so it was a very harsh overcorrection and obviously was too high.
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    Reactive dogs aren’t trying to give you a hard time they’re having a hard time

    @dolf111 If you read my reply to someone else I am not hating on the tool itself but how it was used in that situation.
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    I found my dog’s hidden stash today

    @washedcleannyc Thats too funny he has a hidden stash, my dog never did that with medication but I have found hidden bones, one time she stuffed it in my pillowcase as I was going to sleep one night I felt something poking my head lolI got a look from her like “oh no you weren’t supposed to find...
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    Humbled - training is NOT the issue or the answer

    @baohomotorprovn250932 Honestly I hate neighborhood walks and so does my dog. Its harder for her to ignore other reactive dogs across the street but when we are at the park/hiking trails she is a lot more calm and overall unbothered at any distance. We also walk on a long-line quite frequently...
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    Most embarrassing moments? (funny)

    @elizabeda777 Not really the same situation but if it makes you feel any better I was in the middle of singing the song “shes so brave shes not afraid shes soo well behaved” when I was luring my dog through a playground set. And I turned around to realize there was a whole family right behind me...
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    Reactive dogs aren’t trying to give you a hard time they’re having a hard time

    @rebekah80 I feel this! I used to get so fustrated with my dog I wouldn’t yell or hurt her but it was so hard for me to come to terms with it. Once I really stepped back and saw all this reactivity was coming from fear and anxiety I felt so ridden with guilt for not understanding her this whole...
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    Enough is enough

    @booboo222 Yup! Its always the entitlement of the owner. Those types of owners are the absolute worst. Will never get why it is so hard for them to understand that not everyone wants to be approached by a strange dog even if they’re “friendly”. Its like they lack common sense in those situations...
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    Enough is enough

    @childman Yup! All I think about while watching those videos is how much the owners are actually damaging their relationship with their dogs instead of improving it.
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    Enough is enough

    @jackih The dog training industry has honestly become so toxic. I try to steer away from those videos so they don’t pop up on my feed. I just hate how unregulated the dog training field is, anyone can claim they’re a dog trainer and people fall into the quick before and after videos that amateur...
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    Reactive dogs aren’t trying to give you a hard time they’re having a hard time

    Just wanted to put this out there for anyone that has a reactive dog and is struggling. I heard this saying a while ago and it really opened my eyes that my reactive dog just has big feelings about some things and its not her fault for not knowing how to control them on her own. When I was at...
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    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @mizzy_emerald Oh 100% genetics play a huge role in dogs I agree. My personal dog has been fear reactive from a very early age that was due to genetics it can be very tough to not blame yourself but it happens often as well!
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    It happened! And bc of this group I was prepared

    @christianmusthaves Thats so funny mine does too😂 My phrase/command for after a stressful event is “shake it off”
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    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @mizzy_emerald I said it can happen from over socialization majority of cases I’ve seen have happened due to this but its not limited to just this!
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    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @ranran19 Yeah it can happen from letting a dog approach too many dogs on leash whenever they want and they start to want to say hi to every dog they see hence the barrier frustration from the leash enabling them to. You want to really work with his engagement with you. High high value treats...
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    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @ranran19 Its called barrier frustration! Hes fustrated because the leash is holding him back. Its actually very common and can happen from over socialization.
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    In the wiki it states that prong collars, e collars, and chokes can cause intimidation. Is a slip lead a “choke”?

    @brothersnook I personally only use a slip lead for its easy application usually when I’m just taking my dog outside quickly and need a leash handy or moving her to my side house. For a dog that knows how to walk on a leash without pulling and understands leash pressure I don’t see it as...