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  1. S

    [Fluff][Breed] DNA Results! I'm very surprised! Tell me what you think!

    @jewe6l0187 Look for Fox Hunts. You know, like the old pictures with the people riding horses in red coats. Really exciting to watch.
  2. S

    [Fluff][Breed] DNA Results! I'm very surprised! Tell me what you think!

    @jewe6l0187 As I said, if she's used to the home life and spayed now she wouldn't be of any use to a fox hunt so I wouldn't worry too much. Also keep in mind that if she's from a foxhunt she'll be just one of a large pack of Hounds, not someone's personal pet who is heartsick over her loss...
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    [Fluff][Breed] DNA Results! I'm very surprised! Tell me what you think!

    @jewe6l0187 I'm an avid fox hunter and yup, that's a foxhound. How long have you had her? If she seemed kind of not used to being in a family home when you got her it's very likely she was lost in a hunt. Hounds get lost almost every hunt (they hunt in a big pack), and usually end up finding...
  4. S

    My puppy stopped eating! He may also have

    @catherine_of_the_faith I'm no vet so you absolutely shouldn't take my advise BUT..... My dog often has mucousy poo, and has since he was a puppy. Often it's the first part of his poo that's mucousy, and the rest is ok. Rarely, it's mucous throughout. I also freaked out about it at first...