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  1. O

    2 year old Irish wolf hound

    @ifyoubelieveme Cool. Let me know when they are posted so I remember to come back and look! If I was going to have a giant breed dog it would probably be the wolfhound or deerhound (rather than a dane or saint--the danes I know are almost all really skittish and weird about strangers despite...
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    2 year old Irish wolf hound

    @ifyoubelieveme Sweet! My friend has a IW who is also 2 years old. I have watched him grow up since she brought him home. You should post some pictures of your dog as a puppy, they are very interesting around the 2-6 month age. Like they look almost like normal dog size, but retardedly lanky...
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    S/O to ASPCA poison control. If you don’t have hydrogen peroxide in your cabinet go buy it now

    @headbanger I honestly had no idea you could use h2o2 to vomit up a toy, though I know it induces vomiting that just hadn't occurred to me. Your pup is gorgeous btw!