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    Daycare owner implied that I’m mistreating my puppy

    @mugen WTF!?! What kind of place is this? What magical, mystical, unicorn dogs is he working with? I've worked at several daycares and most dogs that aren't overly outgoing are at least a bit nervous on their first day. It takes some dogs a couple visits to really show their personality...
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    [Vent] From a shelter worker, please don't expect a stuffed animal

    @antiquarianbookfan We asked for "moderate energy, young-ish, but older than 6 months, less than 50 lbs or so, friendly to dogs, kids, and humans, ok for apartment living, and no commonly banned breeds or mixes thereof (requirement of our apartment)". And then they showed us three dogs. Laika...
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    [Link] New study: "Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs"

    @katew I will say that (working at a daycare) we definitely had to kick some dogs out at adolescence because they would. not. stop. humping. No matter how often you redirected them, separated them from their hump-buddy, put them on leash, put them in a time out, body blocked, etc. You have to...
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    Off-leash dogs in Europe vs. off-leash dogs in the U.S

    @goldsmith129 Not only would it make it more worth while, but it makes it more possible in general. As my dog is getting much better with needing to go and greet every person and dog, I've been looking for more and more places to train her. Honestly, there just aren't that many dog friendly...
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    What breed of dog is best for a dog trainer?

    @ryesenova The one you like and won't mind training after a day of dealing with other people's dogs. But yeah - I'm trying to figure that out for NextDog. Right now, Laika (my shelter mutty mutt - 35lb tan mix of everything) is a huge partner in my training, particularly for reactive dogs...
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    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast It depends, but usually a few different scenarios: The dog isn't motivated given that scenario/distraction/environment. This happens a lot if people find a "holy grail" reward but don't realize that the dog actually likes novelty. It can also happen when the scenario...
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    ~9 y/o small dog barks like crazy when I'm not home, and my neighbors are upset

    @carmensvineyard You mentioned doing the leaving for 10 minutes or so, but that wasn't helping. A better option would be a protocol like one outlined in books like Be Right Back. Additionally, separation anxiety is a...
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    ~9 y/o small dog barks like crazy when I'm not home, and my neighbors are upset

    @carmensvineyard What are his triggers for barking when you're home? Is it things he sees? Smells? Hears? Does the barking appear to be similar when you leave? Or is it because you're gone? For many dogs in apartments that bark at external triggers, I recommend that when you're not home...
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    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @goat__man So, there's nothing magic about a prong collar. My guess is what happened here is that you were nervous about using the prong, and decided to take it slow and really work on the foundations, which is awesome! So often we just put a leash on a dog and head directly outside to walk...
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    New dog trainer interview - these are giant red flags, correct?

    @shogolist4jesus Yeah... that about ticks every bad checkbox you can think of. Try to find a different trainer.