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  1. C

    Oh boy, nearing the "teething & adolescent" stage with my 5 mo goldendoodle. Tips & Recs for the following would be greatly appreciated.b

    @hisholykingdom hah, I've been wearing yoga pants and tight clothing since Day 1 around my pup. I've got that covered. I haven't wanted to use the crate for cool down time but I may have to resort to that if she's still too wound up in her designated play room.
  2. C

    Oh boy, nearing the "teething & adolescent" stage with my 5 mo goldendoodle. Tips & Recs for the following would be greatly appreciated.b

    @hard_to_get_by_right_now I do the frozen kong and other frozen stuff already. I haven't been using the for calm down time though. May have to start that vs just using playpen room as cool down zone.
  3. C

    Oh boy, nearing the "teething & adolescent" stage with my 5 mo goldendoodle. Tips & Recs for the following would be greatly appreciated.b

    My goldendoodle is coming up on 5 months old. We've recently entered the teething stage and it seems she hitting the adolescent and "F You" I'm ganna do what I want even though I know it's not what you want phase. I'm starting to provide a lot of frozen toys and bully sticks to help with the...