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  1. C

    [help] PetSmart, Just F**k my S**t up, Fams

    @seekinghope I didn't realize this, thanks for the info! I always heard shaving a double coat = the worst thing imaginable. Will it grow in the same too? (Not ever going to shave my dog down haha but just curious)
  2. C

    [help] PetSmart, Just F**k my S**t up, Fams

    @imagebeastmarkbeast That's understandable. It's a bit of a taboo thing to do in my province but we don't really get super hot weather so I think it's also likely related to a lack of perceived need to do it.
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    [help] PetSmart, Just F**k my S**t up, Fams

    @seekinghope Okay, I may not understand double coated-ness but surely the groomer should? I just know that Goldens shouldn't because I own one, that's the extent of my knowledge but I think I can excused because I don't go around shaving dogs haha. Edit: it appears that I'm wrong, pay me no...
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    [help] PetSmart, Just F**k my S**t up, Fams

    @alecschanno Oh my god. I have no advice but you have my profound sympathies! What were they thinking shaving down a double coated dog??
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    [Discussion] Trick of the Month February 2018 - Crawl!

    @inhissight I'm new to managing this so didn't know it was ever one post (I might have reverted back to the two posts when I took it over whoops!)! I'm open to more thoughts on this and would be happy to change the format if that's what people would prefer. I'm thinking we have two posts...
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    [Discussion] Trick of the Month February 2018 - Crawl!

    Hello everyone! Welcome to February's Trick of the Month! I decided to go with crawl this month. It's simple but hey it's a short month and last month's trick was hard (for me haha). Full disclosure, Wendy loves to army crawl when she wants to say hi to a stranger but I've never tried to...