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    Rescue Heeler Advise

    @hypnos97 is the dog in foster care? is it with a rescue that specializes in ACDs? ACDs can be a lot of dog. If your mom isn't on board (it sounds like you live with her?) it might not be the best choice of breed
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    [BREEDS][DISCUSSION] Dog genetics! Analysis of 100 DNA results posted to Reddit (x-post r/DoggyDNA)

    @zumbachick Oh yea she looks pretty mixed :) you never know what would or would not come up. I thought for sure my dog was dachshund mix. Test said nope.
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    [Discussion] Documentaries on Dogs

    @longroad Haha...I am not :/
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    [BREEDS][DISCUSSION] Dog genetics! Analysis of 100 DNA results posted to Reddit (x-post r/DoggyDNA)

    @zumbachick Do it! The waiting/anticipation is half the fun. Plus you can get some crazy things that either make you laugh or think. I think I have a code for 15% off from when I got my dogs results back if you decide to go for it.
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    [Discussion] Documentaries on Dogs

    @dasadler There is something sort of romantic to me about watching herding (not in a candlelight sort of way).
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    [BREEDS][DISCUSSION] Dog genetics! Analysis of 100 DNA results posted to Reddit (x-post r/DoggyDNA)

    @doppelgank I am so fascinated by wisdom panel since my dabble in it. Haha. Thanks for gathering tland sharing this info!
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    [Discussion] Documentaries on Dogs

    @longroad This is on my "to watch" list as I am fascinated with herding.
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    [Fluff][Breed] DNA Results! I'm very surprised! Tell me what you think!

    @jewe6l0187 She obviously looks houndy! Cute pup, really interesting results
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    [Discussion] Documentaries on Dogs

    @vanessajune There is a short series available on Netflix called "dogs with jobs" it's interesting to see - I've watched a handful of the episodes
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    [BREEDS][DISCUSSION] Dog genetics! Analysis of 100 DNA results posted to Reddit (x-post r/DoggyDNA)

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I think I posted on your original one - but I love her face! I think Bostons are such awesome little dogs and it looks like you wound up With such a nice little mix