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    German Shepard rescue showing aggression to a specific family member

    @idomesmiler I have never had a dog bond with me like this before. He would literally sit at my feet for hours or until I get up to go some else. I’m going to continue letting my family hand feed him his meals.
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    German Shepard rescue showing aggression to a specific family member

    Hey everyone, sorry to be long-winded but I am struggling with my new rescue dog showing aggression to a specific family member. I have 3 other Husky mixes and have a decent amount of knowledge about dog training. One of my dogs is very reactive and I have done a lot of counter-conditioning...
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    German Shepard rescue showing aggression to a specific family member

    Hey everyone, sorry to be long-winded but I am struggling with my new rescue dog showing aggression to a specific family member. I have 3 other Husky mixes and have a decent amount of knowledge about dog training. One of my dogs is very reactive and I have done a lot of counter-conditioning...
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    German Shepherd rescue showing aggression to a specific family member

    @alice96 That is a very good theory. It is definitely possible. Did your relationship with the dog ever improve?
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    German Shepherd rescue showing aggression to a specific family member

    @lashan Thank you for your advice & kind words. It really helps me feel better & have hope. Our three other Husky mixes are all rescues. Huskies are definitely more aloof so I don’t have much experience with German Shepards. We also have three cats and two of them where on deaths door when we...
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    German Shepherd rescue showing aggression to a specific family member

    @justjem Thank you for the advice! I am struggling more with training C because all my other rescue dogs where never this fearful & shut down. I am struggling to maintain the balance of correcting non appropriate behavior & not scaring him where he is even more fearful & shutdown.
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    German Shepherd rescue showing aggression to a specific family member

    Hey everyone, sorry to be long-winded but I am struggling with my new rescue dog showing aggression to a specific family member. I have 3 other Husky mixes and have a decent amount of knowledge about dog training. One of my dogs is very reactive and I have done a lot of counter-conditioning...