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  1. H

    Creative ways to administer pills other than pill pockets?

    @alexandru Thanks, this is all really helpful. I have thought about mixing it up and pre-packing them but I had wondered if some more of the odor kind of leeches out into the surrounding food if it’s left together longer? Like you know how sometimes the pills get kind of powdery after they’ve...
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    Creative ways to administer pills other than pill pockets?

    @kakumei Might I introduce you to my dog, who turned his nose up at the pate tonight. lol. It was worth a try!
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    Creative ways to administer pills other than pill pockets?

    @redeemed123 I’ve done Nosework classes with my big guy too and I didn’t think about the fact that I had been training him to sniff out specific odors. Obviously his nose runs the show but I’ve also been training him to follow it. lol. Thank you for the great tips. Will try the hot dogs! Yes...
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    Creative ways to administer pills other than pill pockets?

    @ayaba Great tips, thank you. Sorry about your pup. We’re in the same “he gets what he wants” camp.
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    Creative ways to administer pills other than pill pockets?

    @parkerjwill Yes we have consulted the vet, thanks.
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    Creative ways to administer pills other than pill pockets?

    @parkerjwill Great suggestions for people with younger dogs to train them on this early on, but probably not gonna work for this guy. He’s pretty growly and grumpy. 😖
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    Creative ways to administer pills other than pill pockets?

    Hello! We have a three-year-old basset with a cancer diagnosis. He’s in the early stages of chemo and recently has become really picky about food and not wanting to take pills in particular. Not sure if it’s because of his prolific sniffer but he seems able to sniff out pills in almost...